Old people or little kids. Who can't you stand more?

I don't know i guess it depends..And I really hate spoiled little girls.
Old people!!!!

Ever since I started working in a superstore, I fucking hate 'em!! They're everywhere and they get in your way allll the damn time and just stand there. And when they FINALLY decide to move, it's slower than a freaking slug. SHIT!.

Kids are cool I spose.
Old people smell.

:lol: I hope I don't offend anyone but I really do get annoyed with them when I'm working.

"Hey look, I think that long haired kid is trying to get past with that big box that looks rather heavy..."


:mad: :mad: :mad:
old people because they get in conversations that you cant get out of

Being a little kid, your opinion is void.

KIDS FOR SURE. Old people are fucking metal! They sit on their poarch yelling at everybody and get away with it cause they are so cool. They just don't give a fuck, they shit in their pants and make people clean it up laughing the whole time.

Kids are just like "Yo, I got a full beer from my fridge lets get hammerd!" then they go off to some park and write "Some Douche was here 07" as if anyone cared. Then they have the rebelious one who writes "FUCK" and then laughs because people will see it and get offended.
man little kids on the bus piss me off so much, and when an old person is walkin in front of ya..fuck that pisses me off lol they are so slow.
so i dunno, i deslike both, but i think i deslike old people more.
man little kids on the bus piss me off so much, and when an old person is walkin in front of ya..fuck that pisses me off lol they are so slow.
so i dunno, i deslike both, but i think i deslike old people more.

thats why you walk around the old people :S
kids whose parent's don't control them are a pain in the ass. i've had to literally walk over a kid in a store before while they were laying on the ground throwin a fit. it's mom was just wandering through racks of clothes while leaving her spawn unattended.

old people smell like band-aids though