Onder's chilli (*21.1.2014)

Yeah 16-18 is probably better for peppers since they're a warm weather plant used to living near the equator. It sounds like you're researching it, so you know what you're doing.

Oh I grow all kinds of stuff, probably too much. A little of each major vegetable family.

My "researching" means browsing some czech chili forum and some know-how that my friend gave me. He's been doing this for a while and also doesn't use artificial light and says he's fine. My living room windows should be perfect in the summer days. I bet SoCal is hotter then this place though. :p

Do you grow your own tomatoes?
I grew peppers and tomatoes last winter-fall. I grew them in my basement under grow lights until it was warm enough outside- about 65ish... They got roughly eight hours of light under the grow lights and did fantastic. All I had to watch for was water. I wouldn't think it would be too different, but the window will make them dry out quicker if they are getting direct sun.

As for tomatoes, they're a vine so they need room and something to climb on.
I grew peppers and tomatoes last winter-fall. I grew them in my basement under grow lights until it was warm enough outside- about 65ish... They got roughly eight hours of light under the grow lights and did fantastic. All I had to watch for was water. I wouldn't think it would be too different, but the window will make them dry out quicker if they are getting direct sun.

As for tomatoes, they're a vine so they need room and something to climb on.

Ah my gran used to grow tomatoes. They were just... better. He also had great potatoes.

Two days back (FEB 1) dem bitchez enjoyed their first sun:


Takanotsume 1 started making some more leaves. A pic from today (FEB 3):


I browsed some chilli forum and apparently the tri-leave Cayenne is quite normal. Also friend told me he had troubles with TSM germinating so he doubts mine will. But we'll see about that soon enough.

I will replant the first few into flowerpots soon. Tomorrow or wednesday.
They look like they're enjoying their sunbathe. I grew tomatoes last year, my mum said to leave them kinda in the shade till they started to sprout then I moved them to the window sill that got the most hours of sunlight and they just shot up really quickly, but I didn't water them everyday only when the soil was a little dry, but then I just gave them enough to moisten the soil, because when plants are babies they're roots can drown so easily. I moved them into a bigger pot and put them out on the balcony when they'd grown big enough to need more room. They were trailing tomatoes so they grew down over the lip of their pot rather than upwards :)
I'll probably be growing fruit like blueberries and strawberries or something in the ground this year. Homegrown stuff just tastes so much better..
A'ight I have few pics and updates. Pretty much all of the living bitchez have already started making some more leaves. 'tis the first Zimbabwe Bird for example:


And here the triploid Cayenne next to the normal sis'. Will it make three leaves or just two? Normally they make two on the opposite sides.


Two days back I replanted the first three in the flowerpots. So far they look small there but wait a day or two. Also, I didn't really manage to bury the tall one enough. It almost looks like she made the extra effort to grow even taller after I buried like 2 centimeters of the stem.


Sunny day today. That should help.
That is unusual among other plant species. Looking at all my seedlings (hundreds this year), they all only have 2 cotyledons. Some have 3 leaves but the third is a true leaf. So I vote that she is still called crippled retard octopus bitch :)
I bet SoCal is hotter then this place though. :p

Do you grow your own tomatoes?

Some years, yes. I prefer to grow roma tomatoes (yum) or cherry tomatoes (they produce like wildfire). I live in a higher altitude part of SoCal (~5000 ft.) so we do get a hard frost in the winter here. The growing season for tomatoes/peppers is pretty short, maybe 7-8 months, so I treat peppers like an annual plant here. I'll probably start seedlings for peppers and tomatoes sometime in March.

When I used to live at about ~2000ft. elevation in SoCal I was growing peppers year round, I had so many I couldn't give them away fast enough. They love the heat.
I wish I lived in SoCal, or anywhere in zones 9 or so... All the plants I would like to grow (citrus, for instance) are tropical, and I always kill em in winter. :bah:
Yeah the difference between home-grown tomatoes and those from some shop is extra big. You can tell good tomatoes from the shitty ones by the smell alone. My ex always smelled tomatoes and I thought it was cute.

Today's milestone is two plants having true leafs wider than the cotyledons. 'tis Takanotsume 1" (FEB 9)


And now time for some gory pictures. I'm linking them because 1) they're gory and 2) they're fortunately not mine and I don't want to spam this thread. THIS is what happens at this stage when you don't have enough nutrients and THIS is what happens when you have too much. Well I'm hoping to avoid both but I'm a total fucking n00b. :D

EDIT: My leaves are nice and green BITCH.
Greys you're fucking gay too. Did you escape the mental asylum or something. Or whatever that was. A halfway house?


I was kicked out of the halfway house, they sent me to some dump inpatient Rehab for 2 weeks after because I was homeless. After that I was sent to another halfway house, I packed up my shit after a month and left. I ended up in a hotel with some chick for almost one week. I'm ruined. Anyways my dads girlfriend who kicked me out of her house let me back in.

I was kicked out of the halfway house, they sent me to some dump inpatient Rehab for 2 weeks after because I was homeless. After that I was sent to another halfway house, I packed up my shit after a month and left. I ended up in a hotel with some chick for almost one week. I'm ruined. Anyways my dads girlfriend who kicked me out of her house let me back in.

Well at least you have some home now, right? Why did she kick you out initially?

Anyways, I have some pictures from three days back (FEB 11) and I'll have some more tomorrow. The first one shows a root that has penetrated the side of the jiffy. They can be replanted with that material but I faggotly removed it and destroyed the root while doing that. :Smug:

Well the plant looks alright anyway.


More progress.


The triploid whore having some issues making a single fucking leaf. She's sure taking her time.


I had to support the tallest one with some sticks because she was falling over already. Pics tomorrow. :blush:
The support mechanism for the Jalapeňo. It was inevitable. Also, I measured the largest leaves and they are 2.4cm long. Whoot whoot.
