One more band to guess....

There's only one band I'd rather see than Iced Earth and that's Nevermore.

well as much as I love Nevermore, we all know how the majority of the prog power fans think about them these days.

I personally would love it if Nevermore would actually follow through with plans they make, and not go off on some "useless, less appreciative of their band" kinda tour. *shrugs* Alas I doubt with previous engagements concerning Nevermore that they'll ever be considered an option for prog power again. What was the term that was used? "Never Again?"
Threshold - prog
Redemption - prog
Raintime - prog
Communic - prog
Pagan's Mind - prog

Showcase: Vanden Plas and Freak Kitchen - prog

Primal Fear - power
Firewind - power
Virgin Steele - traditional/power
Sonata Arctica - power

That's the list I'm looking at.

I think the power elements that Raintime, Communic & Pagan's Mind utilize is what is throwing some people off. Those 3 could probably swing either way...depending on someone's tastes. Raintime may be the oddball with the harsh vocals.
l still don't get the "prog" reference for FK :::shrug:::
Freak Kitchen actually reminds me more of that late 80s/early 90s art metal scene(Primus, Faith No More).

I guess that's why they were considered last year's oddball. Hard to get any odder than Freak Kitchen.
Rhapsody of Fire and Sonata headlining the same show would be THE ULTIMATE for me considering I started getting into the Power with the release of Sonata's 1st disc and they have been my fav band since...Anyway anyone who doesnt think they should be a headliner has never seen them live! Amazing.

Being said Rhapsody is def. headliner material so they are out.
Others that Id like...

Nocturnal Rites
Into Eternity
Demons & Wizards(Probably doesnt fit what Glenn has said though)
Dream Evil
and 2 bands I know it won't be but a guy can dream...


I think I am kindof in the minority on this one, but I feel like Edguy is like watching an Iron Maiden cover band playing unfamiliar B-side Maiden songs. There is just nothing about their sound that strikes me as that original. I saw them at PPIII and I enjoyed them, but not to the point of reveling in them. I thought Threshold and Silent Force both were much better. I think the slot Edguy was in for PPIII was about where they should ever be in the fest - I don't think they have prowess to headline (and I know they have in the past, but I don't feel they were worthy of that).
I don't think Edguy is likely to get "Raged". But Primal Fear is big enough that I have to wonder if a co-headliner will REALLY be a co-headliner. Seems to me you'd need a real headliner to follow Primal Fear.


Oh and regarding the final spot, I'd say Eternity X or Amorphis are more than well qualified. Of course I'd personally still love Symphony X ; )

although now that i think about it, amorphis seems like a band that may get "raged"
Huh? Into Eternity is constantly on tour. If you want to see them, look outside your window, they're probably playing your neighbor's yard.

Glenn would have to be insane to book a band, as a headliner, that loses band members faster than Yngwie replaces singers.


Thats true but I know I have been listening to them since Dead or Dreaming came out and I know that they put on a great show but always a short show. I would love to see them in a headliner slot, personally that is. However, they wouldn't be my first choice but I would not complain one but if it was them. Like you said earlier basically if I could have one choice I would follow a bad ass band like Primal Fear with a more bad ass band..... ICED EARTH. :rock:
I have to chime in here because I always have to back you up when you suggest Tarot! :)

If Tarot is announced, well, then that would be the Christmas miracle that I've been praying for! :lol:

That was going to be my guess. Heard they have a new album coming out; They'd fit the criteria glenn has specified in earlier threads
sun-caged - prog
twlight guardians - power
dragonforce - power
within temptation - prog goth
opeth - prog death
children of bodom - heavy power

I'd like to see some of those bands considered
Rhapsody of Fire and Sonata headlining the same show would be THE ULTIMATE for me considering I started getting into the Power with the release of Sonata's 1st disc and they have been my fav band since...Anyway anyone who doesnt think they should be a headliner has never seen them live! Amazing.

Being said Rhapsody is def. headliner material so they are out.
Others that Id like...

Nocturnal Rites
Into Eternity
Demons & Wizards(Probably doesnt fit what Glenn has said though)
Dream Evil
and 2 bands I know it won't be but a guy can dream...



I would disagree with Demons and Wizards because Blind Guardian is just so much better(imo) and they only have 2 CDs, for an opener sure but defitenely not headliner. And with Raintime being on there, the vocals remind me alot of IE even though imo IE is a sweet band I dont think they should be there and instead tour near my home :D

But yes, Rhapsody(of Fire) would be a ridiculously good band to finish the day off imo.
Iced Earth? Look at what Glenn has said...

1. It may be controversial.
2. Sonata is the festival headliners and Saturday would be a co-headline position.
3. Sometimes you have to create headliners instead of booking headliners.
4. you think the band doesn't deserve that high of a slot
5. you think Primal Fear is a bigger band and deserves to close out the night (screw the Rage Effect risk).

Not a single one of these statements would be true of Iced Earth. And most likely none of these statements would be true of Fates Warning or Symphony X.

Although I wouldn't mind Brainstorm, I doubt it's them. I get the sense (from Glenn's comments), that negotiations have been dragging on with the Saturday night closer. And I'm guessing Brainstorm would jump at the chance to close out the festival, given how well they were received here last time.

Edguy would be a complete disappointment (for me). They've been here twice and their headlining performance was no where near as entertaining as their #3 slot performance. That said, they're a way, way better live band than Primal Fear, and from that stand point, would have no issue following them.


I remember Glenn saying something to the fact that he didn't have the last band locked up yet. If something falls through the above criteria may be thrown out the window. An established headliner suck as Edguy or Kamelot might be a safe bet for him. Things don't always go as planned, we have seen that in the past (Nevermore) so I don't think we should count anything out. For all we know a band bigger than SA will end up playing on Saturday night.
Regardless I have far as I am concern this is the best lineup ever, even without the last band announced.
Only PPIII has this one beaten. PPIII was the epitome of the fest so far, IMO. Unfortunately, I wasn't at PPIII because of being unaware of the fest, and having it sold out already when it was brought to my attention. I haven't missed one since, though. I'm definitely hoping for NOCTURNAL RITES as the final headliner this year.
I am still holding out for Tarot to get the final slot. THat would be fantastic!
Yeah, we can't exclude the possibility that Glenn will just have to play it safe and sign an Edguy or Kamelot.

Freedom Call is also a possibility if he wants to create a new healiner.
I am still holding out for Tarot to get the final slot. THat would be fantastic!

This would kick my ass too but even though they are currently gigging in Europe...Marco & the Nightwish deal will probably limit what he can do. l'm sure by the time PPVIII rolls around he'll be elbows deep into Nightwish. I remember Glenn mentioned this.
I like Freedom Call, but I can't even possibly them imagine headlining day 2. I don't think they're big enough to be created the headliner, although I'm sure they would have a warm reception.

Labyrinth seems like a strong call, but there's been too much power metal on the books I'm thinking.

Probably will be something that nobody/few people have guessed.