One reason why parties suck

Pfft Russell you're like eight feet tall who's going to fuck with you?

common misconception. guys love to start shit with bigger guys. it's a win win situation. if they lose the fight "well no shit...that guy was huge i was hella wasted" and if they win they get a huge ego boost and the admiration of their friends for dropping a big dude.
Shit like Destiny's Child and fucking *insert faggot's name here*? Then, they change it up and play something gay like Sweet Home Alabama and everyone acts like it's hard rock, attempts to do the horns but adds the thumb for a I Love You and sings along with the song, but they can't because they don't know all of the lyrics and are all fucking tone deaf.

that's pretty much dead on. and retarded.
This is why I rarely attend any parties. If I'm not with people around whom I can get drunk comfortably, I probably won't even go. Generally this includes only close friends, i.e. the people who have similar interests/tastes as I.
same here... well, not that i really have much in commen with the few people here i do drink or smoke with, they're just not stupid like everyone else. i don't really do the party thing ... i guess my personality doesn't scream "i'm fun, invite me to drink with you in large groups where shitty music is being played" to people i know. i guess i'm better off like that, anyway. i kinda freak out if i'm drinking around strangers.

Will told me all about what happened. Your a god, i don't think i have had myself drink so much to the point were i piss myself!

But hell, rob lowe was there so why not?
Actually, I didn't meet him that night... it was the next night that I led him into our room after talking to him about Nevermore for a while. I coerced him with audio candy.

And don't forget that prior to drinking myself to near alcohol poisoning, I had been on 48+ hours no sleep. Not a healthy combination. I think Will beat me by 2 hours though. Cocksucker!

Edit: there was also a bunch of weed involved, courtesy of Kelly Shaefer. :lol:
OHHHHHHHH... The worst party, "music"-wise, was this after-party for some fucking band (can't remember which), and some asshole started playing Sunn O))) out of his car. This was before I had even heard them before, BTW.

At first I thought his engine was just idling loudly, but then about 5 minutes later I heard the tone switch a little bit.

"Jesus christ, is this supposed to be music?"
"Its Sunn Oh"
"Its crap"
"No, you have to feel the music"
"I feel a headache"

Afterwards, just to check out what the hell I was listening to the night before in a reasonable enviroment, I downloaded an "album", and was subjected to about 20 minutes of something that sounded like feedback. I gave up and never went back. This also spawned a long time hate for the "band".

lol at pronouncing "sunn oh"
Also, if I only know a couple of people at the event, I do not drink.

I'm almost the opposite. When I'm around my buddies, I rarely get drunk, but when I'm around people I don't know, I feel obligated to get any early pleasantries out of the way by getting hammered.
Actually, I didn't meet him that night... it was the next night that I led him into our room after talking to him about Nevermore for a while. I coerced him with audio candy.

And don't forget that prior to drinking myself to near alcohol poisoning, I had been on 48+ hours no sleep. Not a healthy combination. I think Will beat me by 2 hours though. Cocksucker!

Edit: there was also a bunch of weed involved, courtesy of Kelly Shaefer. :lol:

kelly is one of the nicest metal people i've ever met.

i went to chat with him for a couple minutes and shit and when i said "well i'll catch you later, nice meeting you" he gave me a fucking hug. crazy sauce.
The fucking music!

I was at a party at my best friend's house and they were listening to some faggotry rap shit. As the night went on, someone changed it to Metalshop, a Saturday night segment they do on KISW which Kevin is on. I called Kevin and asked him to play some Behemoth, I think. I was pretty fucking wasted so I don't remember too well.

Then, my asshole friend Josh changed it to fucking country! I changed it back, he changed it again....sooner or later, I just gave up. So, I don't even know if Kevin played my request.

Aside from being hungover, I think the worst thing of the night was shit music. Oh well, I did meet this one dude who is brothers with the drummer for Sanctuary or something.........aaaaaaaannnnnnddddd I'm rambling. I might actually be still drunk.
aha that was you! I remember someone requesting Behemoth and saying some other stuff, but I didn't catch all of it... so sorry if I sounded confused lol. And I couldn't find my Behemoth discs soon enough to play it, so how about next week?