One thing Mikael does very well...

Episode 666

Dec 3, 2001
Buildup growls, that you hear just a bit over the music, that really gives me a shiver down my spine. I know there are several, but the only one i remember just now is the one 1 minute in in Forest of october, over the basdrumes and that godly guitar riff...

This is me everytime i hear that growl...
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jeanreno said:
Hey Darkness? Got rep? :)

thank you :) i still have to spread it for you.

you're racing ahead, you're almost in the top 30 rep wise on the entire forum. I'm about 4 people behind you :)
I like the ones he does on Apostle In Triumph that sound like the wind blowing. 6:45 I think.
Every growl on "My arms your hearse" its so amazing too...

The thing that i love the most of Opeth vocals, its the contrast... clean-grow-life-death... amazing vocals..Mikael its the best vocalist..(one of the best)