one thing that pisses me off

Dec 20, 2005
Alright, so Opeth is my favorite band by far and there is nothing I would rather listen to, but, one there's one thing that I've noticed lately. I can only listen to Opeth when I'm alone. If I listen to it around other people I can't soak in all that the CD has to offer because of them talking and making any other type of noise. This is the only band that I get this way with and I'm wondering if anyone else has this same problem.
i do... but not for the same reason. anytime i try to listen to it with people around they laugh at the vocals and everytime mike or pete solos their like 'aww sick riff man yeeeah.' so basically i cant listen to it around people without them being sarcastic fucks:) i think it is a hell of a lot better to listen alone to anyways. opeths music is really intimate and personal and you dont want to share that.
firewindraging said:
Alright, so Opeth is my favorite band by far and there is nothing I would rather listen to, but, one there's one thing that I've noticed lately. I can only listen to Opeth when I'm alone. If I listen to it around other people I can't soak in all that the CD has to offer because of them talking and making any other type of noise. This is the only band that I get this way with and I'm wondering if anyone else has this same problem.

you need to hear more bands i think.
My friend likes Opeth about as much as I do, so sometimes we'll be chilling at his place and play some Opeth. We'll point out certain bits we like here and there and stuff like that.

Opeth isn't ruined by being with people while listening, but you listen to it more like any other song instead of getting into the proper mood.
I dont have that problem very much. If any non-metalhead wants to annoy me I just put on some Meshuggah and turn the volume all the way up. This also works with Lamb of God, God Forbid, Krisiun...
Im not sure how melancio's comment is relevant, and yet i agree :)

I've never had the oportunity to listen to opeth with other people, or any bands i like fdor that matter. All my friends like hip hop :s
Its like that with anything really movies,dates,music and video games the only way to fully enjoy it is to be by yourself, to fully absorb the power of any arts without any foolish interuptions.
I'd agree with that ^ I like how you consider videogames art btw

opeth + "friends that like hip hop" = endless foolish interruptions :)
Listen to it with people who love it as much as you do, you perhaps can't "soak it in" as much but you get to discuss it which can be really fulfilling as you just learn so much more about the music.
firewindraging said:
Alright, so Opeth is my favorite band by far and there is nothing I would rather listen to, but, one there's one thing that I've noticed lately. I can only listen to Opeth when I'm alone. If I listen to it around other people I can't soak in all that the CD has to offer because of them talking and making any other type of noise. This is the only band that I get this way with and I'm wondering if anyone else has this same problem.

I kinda feel the same way. I know that most people that are around me when I'm playing some Opeth aren't hearing the same thing that I'm hearing and I guess the thought of Opeth being simply background music makes me a bit upset (I mean, not like I worry about it all day, but it definitely feels like it shoudln't be like that).

Actually it applies to a lot of other music I listen to. I love sitting back and paying attention to the beautiful things in certain songs, and that's something that is usually impossible when other people are around. It's sorta an elitist way of taking things, but that's how I am.