Only Metal?

The complexity/technicality point is moot, because Jazz and Classical are worlds more technical than metal. I believe that it's the "culture" that metal has dug out for itself over the years. I'm not sure about the "POST-MODERN GENGHISTRONIC IDEALISM" doohickey ANUS has going on, but i'm guessing nutcases who listen to only metal feel like they're a part of something?
Raffft said:
The complexity/technicality point is moot, because Jazz and Classical are worlds more technical than metal. I believe that it's the "culture" that metal has dug out for itself over the years. I'm not sure about the "POST-MODERN GENGHISTRONIC IDEALISM" doohickey ANUS has going on, but i'm guessing nutcases who listen to only metal feel like they're a part of something?

i agree with this. metal does kick ass, but listening the heavy style of music mono- typically, is plain stubborn ideology. I love classical, funk, jazz, all that crazy shit. I say listen to what you want to hear.
i listen to a lot of experimental rock, industrial, and just plain old rock, as well as a lot of trip hop, ambient, house, trance, occasionally emo or indie, and occasionally rap.

and you have to realize that there are good and bad bands in every genre. so before you go bashing emo or rap, know that there are some great bands/artists in these genres, and the ones you base your opinions on are probably the shitty ones anyways.
swizzlenuts said:
Last night while conversing with a friend that listens all various genres, I was asked why do metalheads usually only listen to metal. For Example, most people that listen to hardcore, grind, and screamo shit also listen to some metal, rock, hip hop, or what ever, and metal is only a part of music as a whole.

My thoughts were that when a person start listening to metal, a person gets spoiled with the compexities and technicallities, and since metal is so varied its easy not to get bored with metal. I know not all metalheads just listen to just metal, but alot people think, as well as me, that most of band we listen to are boring and do not write interesting music. I do enjoy some rock bands and other bands, but I find myself listen to metal about eighty to ninety percent of the time.

Why do metalheads do this? I know my response to his question wasn't what he was looking for, but he made me curious.... disucuss...

About 90% of my CD collection is metal (maybe 400 or so CD's), but I do listen to other forms of music as well. My second favorite "genre" is probably opera (have maybe 15 CD's). After that, it drops off precipitously, couple of old school country (Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, etc...), couple of old school rap & electronic (Public Enemy, NWA, Propellerheads, etc...), but that is about it.

I think it's generally so that when you've just gotten into metal (around the first year or so) you don't want to listen to anything except metal, but after that you tend to want to explore the non-metal genres related to your favorite metal genres, so if you like folk metal, you'll start listening to folk, if you like black metal, you'll start listening to electronica and dark ambient and goth and industrial, if you like death metal you'll go to jazz, prog metal fans go to prog rock and jazz and so on. Happened to me, happens to a lot of people.
I think some aspects of what has been said in this thread are true, but I get the distinct impression from metallers are having to justify listening only to metal. Metal offers everything I need in music, eg aggression, technical ability, passion, fun, etc etc, so I don't really need to listen to anything else. I guess some would call me narrowminded, but that assumes I havent tried other styles of music, which I have, but they don't offer me anything metal doesn't have already only better. There are so many avenues to explore in metal that I have not become bored of it at all, and thats for the last 23 years, so why would I waste time with other genres. On top of that I couldn't afford to listen to other genres, I spend all my money on metal.
I find myself listening to alot of jazz stuff, but it seems alot of music i listen to is annoying or boring... and there is so many bands out there that are so bland... so it seems like i have search and search for non-metal bands that good, like godspeed you! black emperor, explosions in the sky, dead can dance, etc... but i find myself listening to metal because it has so many elements... i can get jazz, progressive, messed up shit, or what ever i want...
actually i rarely listen to metal this days, it bores me really, most of it, i cant remember the last time i heard metal record that blew my mind.
i mainly listen to classical, prog rock and jazz fusion this days. i also love dark ambient and experimental electronica but like metal havent listen to that stuff for some time now.

i'm kind of a fase guy, i'll eventually get back to metal, i always do, but i cant help but feel that there isnt much interesting things happening in the metal world, at least imo, when i hear a new band, i always think, i've heard this before....and about technicality and complexity? well most metal is quite simple actually, especially in structure and composition , of course you got your ocasional virtuoso, but thats not enough to keep me interested.

i do think that one shouldnt limit himself to one style of music, and if you're a musician, knowledge is a weapon, if you only listen to metal, you gonna sound like some other metal band, but if you listen to more styles, you can pick up little things, progressions , details, little things that can give your sound some originality, and it helps a lot in composition, believe me.

anyway call me pretentious, but i always want to find new things, better things, different things in music, thats why im always look for new music and i rarely listen to metal.
i guess i'm a bit bias to classical, since imo its the most rich genre, like metal can givel all emotions but on a higher lever imo, complexity, technicality and especially the most important thing about music, composition.

anyway, conclusion, open your mind, ive been a metalhead for many years, listen only to metal, but it really helps as a musician to be open minded.
Obvious answer:

Metal is better then everything else.

Personal Answer:

I actually went from listening to ragtime to classical to classic rock to grunge to metal and I've kind of gotten stuck on metal (never listen to grunge or classic rock anymore although I like classical more than I used to) because it seems to have so many possibilities. It seems to me that a metal song can include other styles while a lot of other styles have to stay mostly in one. Not that metal always does bring in elements of other styles but it CAN and also, sometimes metal won't really be metal but it will be done in a metal way and it holds together. I'm sure I'm not making to much sense but I'm sure some people understand what I'm getting at.

Obvious answer 2.0:

Actually I think it's a misconception that people who listen to metal only listen to metal. I mean just look at this thread. I think that idea comes from that fact that people who do like metal are loyal to it because a lot of people really don't like it and it's got a kind of community attached to it. Maybe because a lot of people hate it? I remember one time wearing a Cryptopsy shirt and most people gave me funny looks but one guy I met really liked it and complimented me on it so it was cool to find the person that could appreciate it although at the time I think I was listening to a jam band... but I must have given people the impression of someone who only listens to metal.

Holy run-on sentance batman. Sorry about that I'm just typing as I think.
Yes when I tell people I listen to mostly metal, but also Classical, Opera, Gothic, etc they respond with "What a weird combination! What does Metal have to do with those other things?" Or "How can you like both Metal and Classical" because they assume Metal consists solely of Pantera and Metallica. (I'm American so here that's what Metal is epitomized by).
A common response I get from non-metal fans:
"How can you stand to listen to that head bangin' shit? You can't understand the words. I listen to rap, that's real music, and when 50 Cent says 'up in da club wookin fo nub rub a dub dub in da baftub schlub grub', I know excactly what he's sayin', yo."
Sinister Mephisto said:
Obvious answer:

Metal is better then everything else.
yeh obvious in a metal board lol cuz thats far from true.

i do agree that metal has a lot of freadom, you can throw in there whatever you want, if it has distorted guitars, agression or whatever it becomes metal.

but on the other side, imo the source of the influences , the bands of other styles that metal takes elements are most of the time better.

for instance, prog metal, you got the obvious dream theater, 70's prog rock bands which they ripp off constantly, are way better( this aplies to most prog metal i've heard).

symphonic metal, well dont even need to compare classical to metal...

what i would like to hear is metal with a different structure, not so dependent of the riff (now you all say metal is about the riff), but metal compositions that flow perfectly, not depended of chorus/verse , etc.. structure, music that progresses naturaly and doesnt sound sound like a bunch of riffs alligned in a pre-conceaved manner.

maybe theres metal bands like these, i just haven't listen to them yet.