Opeth Appreciation Day!!


New Metal Member
May 27, 2004
So how many people are actually lurking around in here??? I was thinking that an interesting experiment would be to pick some date, e.g. June 26, to try to get the rest of the world to appreciate Opeth. Basically, we would all go to our local record shops and move the Opeth albums from their normal spots into one of the end aisle displays in a noticable area. The staff would likely never notice, and it's not like we would be doing anything illegal. Put the Damnation albums in the front, and hopefully some of them will sell. I'll actually buy the Soundscan data so we can see if we actually accomplished anything..........

Let me know if you are willing to join me in doing this.....


P.s. maybe move Lamentations in the DVD section also........
Lets have a national "Noob Day". So that all the noobs can celebrate their silly ideas and Opeth obsession and get it all out of the way on one day, so the rest of us dont have to listen to it the other 364 days of the year.
Land Of Grey And Pink said:
Lets have a national "Noob Day". So that all the noobs can celebrate their silly ideas and Opeth obsession and get it all out of the way on one day, so the rest of us dont have to listen to it the other 364 days of the year.
you hit it
ChrisEmerson said:
why not just do it all the time rather than just on 1 day? move opeth cds to the front when you see them. lol.

But the point is to do a controlled experiment - checking the soundscan data to see if 20 people moving cds around can actually impact sales..... I would write a research paper on it if there was a statistically significant effect......

LOL - More people have heard of Opeth than you (apparantly) think dan. A lot of people just can't dig the death growls and hence they don't permeate into the mainstream. And I think the shop keeper would notice if you and 20 others started moving cds around etc. "What the FUCK are you doing!?" would be the likely response.
etotheipiequalsminus1 said:
LOL - More people have heard of Opeth than you (apparantly) think dan. A lot of people just can't dig the death growls and hence they don't permeate into the mainstream. And I think the shop keeper would notice if you and 20 others started moving cds around etc. "What the FUCK are you doing!?" would be the likely response.

Thanks for the reply pie......at least in the US, the big record shops (e.g. Tower, Best Buy, etc...) don't seem to have anybody really paying attention.......typically there's just a bunch of high schoolers working the register.....