Opeth - "Death metal sound is over"

:( i want it to be one of those albums that grows on you

but at the same time, who gives a shit about opeth

*puts on BLP and sheds one solitary tear*
you are gay, Mr. Nevermore.... boring wankfest full of gaylords

Opeth rules your anus
I hate the fans that assume "possession" over a band's sound. The fans don't have a say in how something should sound, they should be grateful to get any new music at all to listen to. If they don't like it, yeah, sure, you can criticize it. But the "you sounded like this before, you can't release an album that sounds like that now, can you?!" argument is never valid. It's just moronic. The fans don't own the band. When the fan base gets to dictate what the band's sound is going to be, well - that's the definition of a sell-out.

Also, if you liked Orchid, Still Life, Deliverance, Watershed - you can still listen to them! What's to whine about?! They haven't become any worse because you didn't like the latest record, right? *sigh*
The fans don't have a say in how something should sound, they should be grateful to get any new music at all to listen to.

fanboy lol

But the "you sounded like this before, you can't release an album that sounds like that now, can you?!" argument is never valid. It's just moronic.

Its not moronic and we all have a right to express our opinion if we dont like it. Few nice riffs and a few recycled riffs. In the 2nd part of Slither, they just throw some opeth-ish sounding part so people could remember its not iron maiden song :erk: Lame.

Opinion of someone who was a giant fanboy : its boring shit . it might be moronic to you, but its a reality to me.

Also, if you liked Orchid, Still Life, Deliverance, Watershed - you can still listen to them! What's to whine about?!

Unless, you are a total mindless fanboy, you would know that old albums get boring after a few years of listening. :(
well, why wouldn't a fan raise the voice in case he thinks the album isn't good? a band that is able to persevere into its sound, developing it yet not changing it all of a sudden, that is a gifted band... when you lose that consistency, it's the fans the ones that will tell you such thing, the band obviously doesn't have to do what the fans want, duh, but it's still attached to the fans opinion, some of them senseless, some of them well argumented... I don't see opeth releasing this for free and with absolutely no propaganda, lots of interviews and teasers and whatnot has been released so far, and you expect to get only positive reactions otherwise go listen to something else? and even more, positive reactions with this as the final product? I'm waiting to see what GD has to say about this :)
maja and nick, yeah the fan can say anything :) even if they sound retarded