Opeth - "Death metal sound is over"

I'm waiting to see what GD has to say about this :)

Well, you know at least partly what to expect, as I'm on Audio Autopsy and will also be doing the regular review for it.

fanboy lol

My tirade wasn't only for Opeth's music, but for any band. Blast it all you want, but a) if you're expecting a band to release the same album over and over, you're a moron and b) if your only argument for the album sucking is that it isn't stylistically alike the earlier albums, you're a moron. Quality in songwriting, execution and production is another matter, those are all valid points, but the clinging-to-the-past is just a sorry excuse for Forever Alone-losers to whine about the end of the one sorry relationship they ever had. I'd think those persons are more deserving of your comment which I quoted above.


In the 2nd part of Slither, they just throw some opeth-ish sounding part so people could remember its not iron maiden song :erk: Lame.

O rly? You think Åkerfeldt cares about people thinking this or that about his music? And, inserting Opeth-ish parts? By Opeth? On an Opeth record? I am in awe of your superior perceptive skills. Oh master, tell me moar.

Unless, you are a total mindless fanboy, you would know that old albums get boring after a few years of listening. :(

If any album gets boring after a few years of listening, you don't like that album very much. I've been listening to "Ride the Lightning" for 20+ years and it doesn't sound boring to me.
Blast it all you want, but a) if you're expecting a band to release good album over and over


you're a moron

I probably am, but not even close as much as people who get butt hurt when somebody dislikes their fav bands :p
Oh well, it was just a matter of time when will some fanboys come here and enlighten those who dislike the album :rolleyes: Opeth fanboys are truly the worst ones.

b) if your only argument for the album sucking is that it isn't stylistically alike the earlier albums

I already wrote on both boards why i dislike this album, dont have any intention to repeat myself.

You think Åkerfeldt cares about people thinking this or that about his music?

You think he doesnt? He released this for free? B'awww Egofeldt makes music only for himself and doesnt give a fuck what people which might even support him think about it. I understand that u are a big fanboy but dont fool yourself. :rolleyes:

And, inserting Opeth-ish parts? By Opeth? On an Opeth record? I am in awe of your superior perceptive skills. Oh master, tell me moar.

Yeah, in the Iron Maiden song, can you believe that? Its not my fault :p

If any album gets boring after a few years of listening, you don't like that album very much. I've been listening to "Ride the Lightning" for 20+ years and it doesn't sound boring to me.

I dont listen to the same albums for years, I like listening to variety of music.
I probably am [a moron], but not even close as much as people who get butt hurt when somebody dislikes their fav bands :p

Butthurt? This is pure annoyance at idiocy and ignorance. Having different opinions regarding taste is one thing, but we've moved beyond that.

Oh well, it was just a matter of time when will some fanboys come here and enlighten those who dislike the album :rolleyes: Opeth fanboys are truly the worst ones.

Good, you've now found your favorite word. Please repeat it a few more times. Seems like it's one of the few you know how to spell.

You think he doesnt? He released this for free? B'awww Egofeldt makes music only for himself and doesnt give a fuck what people which might even support him think about it. I understand that u are a big fanboy but dont fool yourself. :rolleyes:

Of course he doesn't release it for free if people are paying him for it. But think about it, if he wanted to sell more records, don't you think he should've kept going with the style which people liked and bought? Why change the direction, as you would be leaving financially fertile ground? Oh, right - he likes that stuff more. Big bo-hoo to all fanboys of yesteryear like yourself. Seems a lot like you're the one butt-hurt, as this particular dildo didn't have the G-spot stimulators you wanted, and you rammed it in wrong way first. Cheers, fanboy.

I dont listen to the same albums for years, I like listening to variety of music.

So do I. From the few albums I listened to in the beginning, to the thousands I listen to today. And yes, the old goodies are still with me. It's called broadening your taste, not changing it.
Good, you've now found your favorite word. Please repeat it a few more times. Seems like it's one of the few you know how to spell.

Pointing out English mistakes on an international forum is high-end moronism.
Big bo-hoo to all fanboys of yesteryear like yourself. Seems a lot like you're the one butt-hurt, as this particular dildo didn't have the G-spot stimulators you wanted, and you rammed it in wrong way first. Cheers, fanboy.

You do realise that by posting things like that here you are ruining your own dignity here ? Wtf is wrong with you? :rolleyes:
i havent heard the leak, i'll probably pick it up eventually.

the one song i heard was less than what i expected, but in a different way. it wasnt different enough, i was expecting something completely new, instead it just sounded like opeth without the death metal.

either way i suppose something like this is bound to divide fans, i think we can at least agree that we've enjoyed opeth in the past, and that those albums will always be nice and nostalgic, regardless of the albums in the future. i mean afterall, for those of you around for the old opeth forum, i believe everyone talked shit about ghost reveries.....and watershed :lol:.
Some of you are getting way too worked up over this shit. The word fanboy is the word of the topic it seems, but holy fuck lighten up on that word.

Opeth made some awesome music, now Opeth will make... something. We have no place telling them they are wrong to change, just like they have no right to tell us to listen and like it. Same relationship every single band and fanbase has, and almost every fanbase bitches that *insert band* has sold out or "they suck because I don't approve".

If you don't like it there is nothing wrong with saying "hey this isn't very good" and then moving on. You don't have to like it and if you don't you can say so. Listen to the album a year later and maybe by that time the "WTF?!" will have passed and you'll enjoy it, or if not just wait for their next release and see where things go, the Death Metal sound could very well make a return or even a partial return. Either way it's Opeth's decision and if you literally hate the band for their current direction then you are not a true fan, just an idiot that doesn't appreciate what you already had.

As far as I'm concerned every album should be a different experience, that's one thing I love about music. I can utterly loathe one album, and love the next one by the same band simply because they were doing things differently. And by some co-incidence *gasp* I often find myself enjoying the "shitty" album because the new one worked for me.

I don't see why this shit turns into flame wars, it's pretty straight forward to me. As long as people don't go off saying "I hate all OPETH because this album sucks" we can all have our opinions without screaming "FANBOY!!" at anyone that defends it.
Also, I don't think it's that bad from what little I've heard. I have the same problems with it I have with every Opeth album nothing especially glaring. I still hate when Mikael sticks 3 minutes of damn near silence and wanking right in the middle of an otherwise great song. Half of Opeth's songs could be improved by doing away with the filler that just turn a 7 minute song into 11 minutes.

Edit : I am also very interested to see the Global Domination review/Audio Autopsy
Some of you are getting way too worked up over this shit. The word fanboy is the word of the topic it seems, but holy fuck lighten up on that word.

Opeth made some awesome music, now Opeth will make... something. We have no place telling them they are wrong to change, just like they have no right to tell us to listen and like it. Same relationship every single band and fanbase has, and almost every fanbase bitches that *insert band* has sold out or "they suck because I don't approve".

If you don't like it there is nothing wrong with saying "hey this isn't very good" and then moving on. You don't have to like it and if you don't you can say so. Listen to the album a year later and maybe by that time the "WTF?!" will have passed and you'll enjoy it, or if not just wait for their next release and see where things go, the Death Metal sound could very well make a return or even a partial return. Either way it's Opeth's decision and if you literally hate the band for their current direction then you are not a true fan, just an idiot that doesn't appreciate what you already had.

As far as I'm concerned every album should be a different experience, that's one thing I love about music. I can utterly loathe one album, and love the next one by the same band simply because they were doing things differently. And by some co-incidence *gasp* I often find myself enjoying the "shitty" album because the new one worked for me.

I don't see why this shit turns into flame wars, it's pretty straight forward to me. As long as people don't go off saying "I hate all OPETH because this album sucks" we can all have our opinions without screaming "FANBOY!!" at anyone that defends it.

Well said.
Now where did this argumnt come from? :erk:
Pointing out English mistakes on an international forum is high-end moronism.

I'm pointing out your, er..."interesting" usage of English 'cause it makes the value of your arguments drop. Just like kthxbai lingo, "fanboy lol" is rarely something I associate with to-the-point, factual reasoning.

You do realise that by posting things like that here you are ruining your own dignity here ? Wtf is wrong with you? :rolleyes:

If you can't see past the sarcasm and metaphors, I have no interest in keeping any supposed "dignity" in your eyes. I guess you could say that that's my response to your "fanboy lol" lingo.

Also, kudos to Belac for a good post.
Some of you are getting way too worked up over this shit. The word fanboy is the word of the topic it seems, but holy fuck lighten up on that word.

Opeth made some awesome music, now Opeth will make... something. We have no place telling them they are wrong to change, just like they have no right to tell us to listen and like it. Same relationship every single band and fanbase has, and almost every fanbase bitches that *insert band* has sold out or "they suck because I don't approve".

If you don't like it there is nothing wrong with saying "hey this isn't very good" and then moving on. You don't have to like it and if you don't you can say so. Listen to the album a year later and maybe by that time the "WTF?!" will have passed and you'll enjoy it, or if not just wait for their next release and see where things go, the Death Metal sound could very well make a return or even a partial return. Either way it's Opeth's decision and if you literally hate the band for their current direction then you are not a true fan, just an idiot that doesn't appreciate what you already had.

As far as I'm concerned every album should be a different experience, that's one thing I love about music. I can utterly loathe one album, and love the next one by the same band simply because they were doing things differently. And by some co-incidence *gasp* I often find myself enjoying the "shitty" album because the new one worked for me.

I don't see why this shit turns into flame wars, it's pretty straight forward to me. As long as people don't go off saying "I hate all OPETH because this album sucks" we can all have our opinions without screaming "FANBOY!!" at anyone that defends it.

wise man
well shit now i gotta hear this new album, find out what all the fuss is about

also, fuck em, vinyl preorder is 85$? what about a regular vinyl for those of us who just like the sound :(
I'm pointing out your, er..."interesting" usage of English 'cause it makes the value of your arguments drop. Just like kthxbai lingo, "fanboy lol" is rarely something I associate with to-the-point, factual reasoning.

Oh please, why dont you just give up :rolleyes: Making fun of someone's english on the international forum is really retarded, and it makes you even more retarded. Im pretty careless how I spell as long as ppl get my message across plus english isnt my first language either. It's my third, actually. Are you gonna keep attacking me and try to express some sort of pseudo-superiority? :p