Opeth Forum Petition - IMPORTANT!...

synergy said:
its not a petition to bring the off-topic back, it's just to allow off-topic threads

Same thing. If I were a betting man, I'd say bet against the rules being changed.

I understand how they want this forum to be. Does anyone ever check out Dan Swanö's forum? That's probably the template they are looking for...i.e. little stupidity. Everyone is nice to each other there, everyone can carry on a conversation about whatver inane album detail without it turning into a maelstrom of insults and complaining.

I guess the problem is that there is a big difference in how many people visit this forum and Dan's, and with so many different people, you get so many different posting personalities and there's bound to be friction at some point...

I think what Opeth really needs to do at this point is separate from UM alltogether and have their own hosting site for their message board. They have enough people to have several different forums, like news, show trading, tattoo/pics with band, album recommendations/other bands, off-topic/flame wars, etc.

My 2 cents.
1. NineFeetUnderground
2. synergy
3. Jon Snow
4. RjBeals
5. gunhaver
6. theleperaffinity
7. decadent
8. the l3p4raffinity
9. shadows skulk
10. Vrykolakas
11. Seraphim Belial
1. NineFeetUnderground
2. synergy
3. Jon Snow
4. RjBeals
5. gunhaver
6. theleperaffinity
7. decadent
8. the l3p4raffinity
9. shadows skulk
10. Vrykolakas
11. Seraphim Belial
12. aenimated
13. Dreadful
1. NineFeetUnderground
2. synergy
3. Jon Snow
4. RjBeals
5. gunhaver
6. theleperaffinity
7. decadent
8. the l3p4raffinity
9. shadows skulk
10. Vrykolakas
11. Seraphim Belial
12. aenimated
13. Risquit "Two Threads Deleted So Far"
1. NineFeetUnderground
2. synergy
3. Jon Snow
4. RjBeals
5. gunhaver
6. theleperaffinity
7. decadent
8. the l3p4raffinity
9. shadows skulk
10. Vrykolakas
11. Justin S.
OpethMurders said:
I think what Opeth really needs to do at this point is separate from UM alltogether and have their own hosting site for their message board. They have enough people to have several different forums, like news, show trading, tattoo/pics with band, album recommendations/other bands, off-topic/flame wars, etc.

My 2 cents.
Agreed, it's not that hard, all they need to do is add a bit more bandwidth support and mySQL + PHP support to opeth.com and they could have it running off opeth.com, instead of having to leech it off here.

I'd be more then happy to set it up if they provided a vbulletin license and template (presumably this one if Ultimatemetal.com would provide it).

And a forum layout like here would be good too (with the exception of the drug forum).
1. NineFeetUnderground
2. synergy
3. Jon Snow
4. RjBeals
5. gunhaver
6. theleperaffinity
7. decadent
8. the l3p4raffinity
9. shadows skulk
10. Vrykolakas
11. Seraphim Belial
12. aenimated
13. Risquit "Two Threads Deleted So Far"
14. necramentia
15. Justin S.
1. NineFeetUnderground
2. synergy
3. Jon Snow
4. RjBeals
5. gunhaver
6. theleperaffinity
7. decadent
8. the l3p4raffinity
9. shadows skulk
10. Vrykolakas
11. Seraphim Belial
12. aenimated
13. Risquit "Two Threads Deleted So Far"
14. necramentia
15. Justin S.
16. Guitarmaster

There you go.
1. NineFeetUnderground
2. synergy
3. Jon Snow
4. RjBeals
5. gunhaver
6. theleperaffinity
7. decadent
8. the l3p4raffinity
9. shadows skulk
10. Vrykolakas
11. Seraphim Belial
12. aenimated
13. Risquit "Two Threads Deleted So Far"
14. necramentia
15. Justin S.
16. Guitarmaster
17. Moonlapse

By the way guys, this is a serious thread, as NineFeet has intended. Any silliness will be deleted. Hopefully, should this petition get us anywhere there will be plenty of time for casual silliness later...