OPETH Frontman: 'We've Never Jumped On Trends Or Chances To Make Money' - Sep. 5

Man In Black said:
Just because someone's over 25 doesn't mean they can't like metal. :Smug:
Also, just because you look "normal" doesn't mean you aren't a metalhead. Metal doesn't require a costume to go along with it.

Totally agree! I look nothing like a "metal fan" whatever that entails... I look completely normal; people are always shocked whenever they discover that I like metal.
Opeth did sell out though. Their CDs were sold out. Thus, they sold out. And the new music video is just retarded,,
The Hubster said:
- (Earlier) Black Metal was characterised by deliberate lo-fi production quality on recordings (see the Emperor-Enslaved split for an example, also early Immortal, Burzum and Darkthrone).

- Black Metal vocals tend to be a high shriek, as opposed to the more "harnessed" sound of lower growled death metal style. If you found Grutle's vocals on Frost tough, listen to Varg's vocals on early Burzum! LOL. It takes time to get used to, but once you do, there is an appreciation you can get from it. I actually find it quite cool now.

- the repetitive drumming is known as blastbeats. It takes it's influence from punk (as Black Metal does overall anyway ie the musical style is influenced by punk). The master of blastbeats is Trym from Emperor, that man can blastbeat faster than anyone else!

Blastbeats can be pretty funny actually - when I first got into Black Metal (now my favourite genre, mostly second generation BM), I found blastbeats hilarious and it was hard for me not to burst into laughter. Mind you, some Black Metal bands are just too awful and deserve a good laugh!

Immortal took blastbeats are turned them into something really interesting though: see the "Damned In Black" and "Sons of Northern Darkness" albums. Blastbeats in short bursts sound really brutal and powerful, I think they're more effective this way. On the other hand, the latter Emperor records had amazing blastbeats in them, but the constant presence of them went well with Ishahn's symphonic ideas (see his work on Peccatum as well).

In summary - Black Metal isn't as easy to digest, certainly took me a while, but once you can appreciate it, you'll be amazed at some of the bands who have extended the Black Metal foundations and branched out further (see [later] Borknagar, Solefald, Peccatum, Arcturus, Naglfar, Negura Bunget).

I really feel that later generation Black Metal is where all the growth and experimentation is right now, there's some really exciting stuff going on.

Hope this info is handy:)

I don't mean to look down upon your PhD in black metal, but I think black metal is garbage. To linger on a few words Mike said two years before the new album came out is idiotic. Be careful the light of black metal isn't a bug zapper, because you seem to be attracted to it as a fly would light.

Anyway, I think you people are so eager and willing to point your fingers and yell "sell out!", the facts just seem to fall out of your head. "Selling out" is a fruitless expression these days because every moron feels the need to throw it out wildly in every direction possible. This idealogical trend to wear band t-shirts as badges and merge with your own designated band cliq has obviously affected the lot of you and has poisoned music in general.

Listening to music these days has become so demoralizing, no matter what genere it is. And it's always the idiot fans who want this album to sound like that album, this band to sound like this band, that style to sound like this style. I guess evolution and experimentation, as well as the basic enjoyment of music has been nearly destroyed by all you fuckers who feel the need to rape everyone's ears with your mindless opinions and filth-ridden expectations for every album to sound the same. The biggest mistake Opeth can make is listening to you dumbasses who think they're here to please you.

I wouldn't even listen to a band if they actually took some asshole fans' opinion into consideration. Music is a personal thing, first and foremost. Any musician knows that.

I don't see how Opeth joining Roadrunner Records is any justification to them selling out, nor can I see how it inflicts their credibility. I see Opeth as talented musicians and nice, decent fellows. And remember Opeth is a band, not just Akerfeldt and four other guys. I couldn't care less what record label they were on, if they sold a billion copies, were number one or 1,000 on the charts, or if some 13 year old "goth" kid listens to them. I don't care. I like what they do and that's play music.

So after fifteen years and eight amazing albums, I'm glad to say I'm a fan. All you fuckers can have fun burning in the hell you've created for yourselves. Obviously if you're insecure and ignorant enough to judge an album by comparison to something else, you probably weren't a fan in the first place.
If you don't like the album, Don't fucking listen to it..........
Im sick of all this petty shit about sell out this, roadrunner that.. who gives a fuck really?!?

The bottom line is that if you like this album you will buy it and crank it up, if not then shut the fuck up, don't listen to it and stop whining like little girls ok? k!
Christ what a lot of bitching. I've been an Opeth fan for 6 years now, and I, like many people, am disappointed with this album. Their talent still shines through, there are a few stand out tracks but overall, this is their weakest album in my opinion. Deliverance was uninspired to me, Damnation was interesting and such a departure from previous releases, and I liked it. GR just seems sort of contrived. It's like they took all the signature Opeth elements, and just repeated them over and over to make an 11 minute long song. Mike's clean vocals aren't on par with previous work, though he's still the best damn growler out there. Having the keyboards so involved now kind of pushes it at times. So far, I'm liking Reverie/Harlequin Forest, Beneath the Mire, and Isolation Years the most. I'll be listening to it more and forming a more solid opinion, but for the last week I've been thinking along these same lines. Fuck the "selling out" bullshit, and the label crap. It's about the music, and GR is just lacking the something special that pulled me in as a fan, years ago.
twilightsrobe said:
Totally agree! I look nothing like a "metal fan" whatever that entails... I look completely normal; people are always shocked whenever they discover that I like metal.
I like metal and I wear a suit to work everyday.
Cthulhu0Dreaming said:
I don't mean to look down upon your PhD in black metal, but I think black metal is garbage. To linger on a few words Mike said two years before the new album came out is idiotic. Be careful the light of black metal isn't a bug zapper, because you seem to be attracted to it as a fly would light.

"PhD" - I was simply giving someone some info who seems like they dont listen to Black Metal much. I didnt realise that making an informative/friendly post was such a crime.

If I didnt know too much about something, I'd be the first person spamming others with questions!

Far out dude, chill out.

And yes, I do like Black Metal, a LOT.
I don't even know where to start. This is such an amazing barrage of idiocy and downright unfounded whining that I don't even think I could ever cover it all. 100 monkeys working for 100 years couldn't possibly cover it all, but they would probably display quite a good bit more intelligence.

I'm just going to say that I hope with fans like this the board gets shut down again. This time for good.
I've only been an Opeth fan for...3 years I believe. Maybe 4 since I first heard them. Could even be more. Anyways, over these past 3 or so years, Opeth has been pretty much the only band I've listened to. I've listened to other metal: Nevermore, Tool, Iron Maiden to name 3; then some earlier stuff like Zeppelin and Sabbath. But the point is, I listened to Opeth more than everything else combined. So I'm going out on a limb here (deep breath) saying that I'm familiar with Opeth's music, musically, lyrically, etc. Maybe I don't understand all the different influences, like black metal for instance (because I don't like the way it sounds), but I understand Opeth within the sphere of Opeth.

That established, GR is, to me, a return towards Morningrise, MAYH, and a bit to BWP. The harmonies, intermingling of acoustics, distortion, clear voice and grunt voice all borrow something from those three albums most notably.

But, more importantly, GR is---

hold on, this is really weird, this smiley: :headbang: ...was just bobbing along to Ghost of Perdition for about 10 measures or so. If the time signature hadn't changed...weird.

Anwyays, where was I?

GR is a step in the progressive direction for Opeth, which you could have guessed them taking. Just look at the elements that went into the actual music of D&D. There's a great program, PowerTab, that you can use to analyze the music itself and really see what's going on. I don't care what other bands are doing, I think it's fair only to view GR in the context of the rest of Opeth's work. Anything else isn't Opeth, therefore it isn't relevant. Maybe you could make a case, but in the end, Mikael writes the music, and Opeth records it. Opeth's work is exclusively Opeth's. In fact, it might not even be fair to compare GR to any past Opeth album. I am taking that liberty regardless.

As to the whole selling out thing: I refer you to the song "Hooker With a Penis," by Tool.
ok all I gota say
Technically to stay underground, you shouldn't be signed.

The second you signed a contract saying your music belongs to that company, you've sold out.

Stop bitchin, if you dont like Ghost Reveries, then dont listen to it, Opeth isn't forcing you to...

Also if your gona call em sell outs, you dont have any reason to listen to any of their old stuff.

The first song I heard of opeth was Forest of October, and I still love that song. I dont care how much they change, if they keep the same essence of trying to be what they want, then let them be.

And this is what really bothers me....since when do they want to f***ing please you? Opeth creates the music, cause they(not you!) likes it.

The day Opeth makes music to fit "your" tastes, is the day they sell out, cause then they aren't true to the music
... you people complain of Opeth selling out and appealling to scene kids and mallcore fags??? You guys spouting that its not metal enough are the worst scene kids ever... you worry so much about what fucking label Opeth are on that you totally miss all the GENIUS on the album...What about listening to the music without labeling it into some stupid category!

"This isn't black metal... this is death metal... wait a second... is it doom metal??? wait... where is the incessant double kick... im confused :yell:
What label is this??? I can't listen to it if its something popular. This sounds different and unfamiliar. hmmmm, the only possible reason would be that RoadRunner executives are now writing Opeth's songs :erk: "

Damnation Prt. II??? Thats probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life... Go get your ears cleaned whoever spouted that shyte...

Why is it sounding proggy and dreamtheater-ish??? maybe its because they are actually getting really good at their instruments... this is the most adventureous album yet, finally they are taking risks and really PLAYING...progressive music is the only music worth listening to (aside from a few notable exceptions)... All these changes in Opeth have been a direct result of them improving as musicians.

Shadow's Skulk is one of the few making any sense here... if i missed any other smart people im sorry... the rest of you dont know shit. goodbye forever.
Stimuli said:
...progressive music is the only music worth listening to (aside from a few notable exceptions)...
C'mon people, stop yer bitchin'... If you wwant to listen to BM so badly go wank off by some Darkthrone... If you want to believe they sold out, do it... But I have no fucking idea what you mean by their 'mellowing out'... Like they played brutal death-grind all along their career? Sell outs who play 10 minutes plus songs, goddamn... some people seem to exchange their dicks with their brains...
stop whining you stupid asses....

Oh, and....
Ghost Reveries fuckin' wipes out most black metal 'n stuff
It just fuckin' rules! Go listen to it you sissy's!
dorian gray said:
meh, on topic, that entire interview has a tone of mike trying too hard to convince himself he didnt do something to alienate his original fanbase. we can argue till we're blue in the face whether or not opeth was underground, when they stopped being underground, blah blah blah, but the fact of the matter is they are now definitely *not* underground. they accomplished this by signing to a large label, going on a shit tour like sounds of the underground, and succumbing to the worst band photos of all time. sadly and annoyingly, growls or no growls, opeth simply arent metal anymore.

Why would someone care about a fanbase who seems to think that being underground and poor are the only way a band can be?.. that is the only thing that made me wonder about mikael ..metal fans do not see metal for what it is anymore...they think it's some fucking force or fucking religion. Metal was something different, many people in metal were I guess against the norm or what not .... so metal mostly projected an image of negative.... now Opeth is doing that exact thing .... they are moving away from a corrupt scene ... becoming negative of what all you fucking kids are all about. Christians can't handle metal heads, you can't handle Opeth ......

The world is changing blah blah blah .... go to church hahah

Im drunk again .. sorry... I don't actually believe anything im saying I guess I just have nothing to do .. I sold E to 13 year olds so I have no room to speak ... all you guys are better than me .. I used to know what metal was about now I struggle to find a meaning in anything hahahahahhahaha I lost the fight .... someone should come and scalp me for I am not worthy of thy greatness. Dungeons and dragons and death and war and darkness and rape and death and wizards and witches and blood and war and blood and arahghhghghghhghahahhahahahhah grrrrrrr and death and war and grrrrrrrrrrr ahahahhahhahah aa kill me for I am not worthy ahhahah kill me thy mightyness for I am the emperor I am thy satan thy nothing for which I am nothing and never will be anything but nothing for I am everything and nothing hahahahaha a.... evil ... I will never sell out because I am one with thy power ..I AM EVILLLL AHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHH DEATH DESTRUCTION RAPE AND PILLAGE ... THE village of death ..... ahhahahahahhhah evil in the woods... alone ... hahahahahahhaha .. death