Opeth have asked you to design the Damnation Cover*


Wish I had the time to figure out how to use Photoshop :(

Although I don't think I could do what I've seen here - NICE WORK ALL!! :)
Originally posted by metalmancpa

Wish I had the time to figure out how to use Photoshop :(

Although I don't think I could do what I've seen here - NICE WORK ALL!! :)

Replace time with effort and you're spot on ;)
my feeble attempts :tickled:


Originally posted by sands of the seas
I've always imagined the damnation cover to be blue for some reason. If i had photoshop and knew how to use it, i'd show you all what i mean, but ah well.

hmm... well i tried one of mine in blue and this is how it turned out


not sure if thats what you meant though
Great stuff guys.

Inferenzium (or however you spell it): The first one you posted is awesome. I'd prefer it in black and white though, or minimal color (keeping the color brownish rather than red).

Skullfucker: Nice stuff. I like the inverted one better because it's less harsh on your eyes.

Masters Apprentice: I love your stuff. My only gripe is that all of them, except the first, are too "modern" for Opeth. They'd make excellent covers for most other bands, but Opeth are just asking for the old, haunting images. Also, I love that pic in your sig. I'm not sure what the top layer is (the whitish/grayish thing on the naked chick), but it adds a really fucking cool texture to the whole thing. Makes me want to scratch it or touch it for some reason...reminds me of something painted or printed on stone...no idea. If you don't mind my asking, what exactly did you do/use to get that effect?

Anyway, keep on rocking guys. Oh yeah, Oyo's cover definitely takes the cake. :lol:

Originally posted by sands of the seas
I've always imagined the damnation cover to be blue for some reason. If i had photoshop and knew how to use it, i'd show you all what i mean, but ah well.

And I just thought the D2 cover would be white... I don't know why, that's how I imagine it. Kinda like BWP but with 'lighter' tones, if you know what I mean.

We'll see.
Shit...and to think I've been farting around in all the other half-ass threads. (Damn, I made reference to arse three times in that sentence.)


but seriously, excellent work all...keep them coming. Hey, at least we appreciate them.

Originally posted by Aborted Fetus
Masters Apprentice: I love your stuff. My only gripe is that all of them, except the first, are too "modern" for Opeth. They'd make excellent covers for most other bands, but Opeth are just asking for the old, haunting images. Also, I love that pic in your sig. I'm not sure what the top layer is (the whitish/grayish thing on the naked chick), but it adds a really fucking cool texture to the whole thing. Makes me want to scratch it or touch it for some reason...reminds me of something painted or printed on stone...no idea. If you don't mind my asking, what exactly did you do/use to get that effect?
The image in my sig is the front cover of the new Converge album, artwork by the vocalist Jacob Bannon..but the technique is easily obtained by blending two layers together. I'll make a grunge Opeth cover tonight when I get home..but like my other covers, it won't suit Opeth. You should browse around for some grunge brushes, there are literally tonnes of them out there and you can get some fucking cool effects with them. The thing I like about that Converge cover is the grungey colours and imperfections, I've been trying to get that effect for a while now but just can't get the right combination of brushers, filters and layer blending.

I agree mine are too modern, I just tried to be a little more inventive than finding a picture on the net, making it monotone and adding the word damnation to it. ;) Thanks for the comments though.
Oyo and apoapo: :lol:

There is a lot of cool designs in the thread. I especially like the one in the beginning with the tunnel-like white-door appearance.

Cool stuff guys!