Opeth in school....


...I am just thin air...
Jul 12, 2001
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Today I was sitting in the cafeteria in school and listening to Blackwater Park, definately a strange experience. Considering two things: 1) I don't like the people (or my peers either) that go to my school
2) Bwp is such a fucking evil album!!!!
it was a cool thing! Just sitting there hiding my arms to keep the goosebumps from becoming visible, and feeling such a atmosphere, and evil mood come over me I wanted to kill someone! I just had to turn the shit off it was so crazy, a strange mix indeed... You all should try it, see what you feel like. I dunno just thought I would share a cool opeth experience with you.:D :loco:
OOH and I just thought of this, considering I am from Texas no matter what you are we all use the word "ya'll" so please excuse me if I sound like a cowboy, but its kind of a given for a Texan. And NO not all Texans are cowboys!!! :lol: :D
shit dude i know exactly what you're talking about....
last year i had my discman in lunch and i was just listening to metal... opeth probably... or whatever.... just looking at everyone and being like "wow i hate all these people!!!" and it was fucking great! haha
Well i used to say that when i was listening to Marilyn Manson in high school, but i guess thats over.
Right now i just listen to anything that i like in school or whatever place and i dont really care about people because while im listening to music, i dont give much about anything hehe.
But Morningrise, you should listen to Darkthrone at your school.
Now THATS evil music. They even proclaimed themselves to be the most hated band in the world.
Since I'm no longer in school, my "best" experience was the first time I heard The Funeral Portrait in my car.

I have a Lincoln Town Car with a decent system in it. Had the moon-roof open, the windows down, and the cruise control on - and then the song started.

For the 8+ minutes, I drove in the middle lane of this highway at night, with very few other cars - cruisng at 76 MPH. What a rush!!!!

I guess that "evil" feeling was exhibited by the grip I had on the steering wheel - my hands were pretty stiff once the song ended. Had that slight teeth grit going too. I was pretty mad at the world. My daughter has been sick for a while, so I was pissed that she wasn't better yet, and had choice thoughts for the medical profession. Work sucked. People sucked. Everything around me was disfunctional. I was pretty sure (for that 8+ minutes) that life in general wasn't cutiing it. And since the highway was dark, wide, and smooth, I zoned and really don't remember what my eyes saw - it was just me, The Funeral Portrait, my "visions", and time.
Has anyone ever read the "novel" "Don Quixote"?

If you haven't it's basically a story about some poor spanish guy (whose name I can't recall) who one day becomes delirious and fancies himself a knight who rights wrongs. He then goes all around the country fighting off windmills he mistakes for one-eyed monsters and so on. He is mad, but still there is a nobility about the principles that he adheres to in his madness.

Anyway, I never "transform" when I listen to Opeth, except maybe sometimes I imagine I am some hyper muscular satyr growling like mikael does upon mystified moors, fighting for the love of melinda. Maybe we are all like Don Quixote in some small way whenever we listen to music.

a funny thing happened yesterday, i was listening to patterns in the ivy (short instrumental on BWP) and from nowhere i started picturing walking through a dark grey creepy forest, like on the BWP cover and slowly moving through till i reached a woman lying on the floor, in a white dress with blood contrasting on the white of the dress, the dress being elaborate like a wedding dress almost, then as i looked at her i started drifting upwards in a spiral away from her, reaching but not quite getting there.

anyway all that came from listening topatterns in the ivy, im not sure why i thought like that though:confused:

anyway, i also love the first 20 seconds of the leper affinity, u know the creepy sounds before the song starts, thats really scary.
That's only for the aggressors and teens with screaming hormones! :p I don't think I've ever looked at people while listening to Opeth and thought of hate. It's more of a "Damn, you don't know what you're missing."

And since the highway was dark, wide, and smooth, I zoned and really don't remember what my eyes saw - it was just me, The Funeral Portrait, my "visions", and time. -CPA Damn, that sounds like it's from a book or something. Cool what music can do for/to you at times. I've been noticing lately that I'm sick of everything I do on a day-to-day basis. Sort of get that trapped feeling...yet no ones holding you back. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Heh! It's good for me to be pulled away for brief moments by music...at least that's what I think.


"You are in a forest unknown. A secret orchid."
Originally posted by Opet

Damn, that sounds like it's from a book or something. Cool what music can do for/to you at times. I've been noticing lately that I'm sick of everything I do on a day-to-day basis. Sort of get that trapped feeling...yet no ones holding you back. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Heh! It's good for me to be pulled away for brief moments by music...at least that's what I think.

I agree with your thoughts.

And since you're from RI, the highway I'm speaking of is Rte95 South - the section from Rte128 to Rte 1.
The highway I'm speaking of is Rte95 South - the section from Rte128 to Rte 1. -CPA

No shit. My buddy and two of her friends became one with the guard rail up there not too long ago. I try to stay as far as I can from that death trap road that most have no choice to use daily. I'm waaaay on the side of RI in Tiverton. I get death trap #24 instead! :D 95 at night is like the flipside. It feels strange to be the only car on it. Things usually bumper to bumper...kind of.

Back to school...I would have loved to have known Opeth when I was still in school. Those that do are very lucky. I had Zeppelin and Metallica and that's not cheesy, but if I had OPETH!
CPA: Town-Car? Why am I in the film industry?! Sounds like Accounting is where it's at.

I used to get kinda messed up speeding on my old local expressway listening to Opeth, usually Morningrise in that car.

When I was still in school (high school) I'd listen to music to tune other people out. So I wouldn't hear them yelling things. Too bad music didn't make the stuff they used to throw hurt any less, eh? ;)

In college, once I'd found Opeth (found it the summer before I started college), I'd use music to fall asleep in the hallway (occasionally spending upwards of 36 hours doing film editing in a little room.

On another note.. I was all baked a few nights ago, and decided that listening to Still Life would be a good idea.. But I was really tired. so I put on headphones and listened to Still Life. I was basically asleep by the end of Harvest, then Moonlapse Vertigo started up, and I woke up, sat upright, thinking that the song had started on the big stereo and that I'd be waking up half the building at 3am.. apparently it was very funny to watch.

I'm gonna try it again sometime when i'm not tired. Opeth is great under most circumstances, really.
When I was still in school (high school) I'd listen to music to tune other people out. So I wouldn't hear them yelling things. Too bad music didn't make the stuff they used to throw hurt any less, eh

Yeah I also now know y I listen to music while I walk! I was with a friends the other day walking thru Cambridge NOT listening to music and I heard:
"my mum would shoot me if I dressed like that"
"u dirty satanic goth piece of shit I hope u die"
And those were only in like 5 minutes! In all seriousness people actually said that!! I don't know them tho so it doesn't actually hurt. And I'm in a cool college now where people don't throw insults at me all the time. So good :D
"my mum would shoot me if I dressed like that"

I can't stand people who are like that, I get called a freak every once in a great while. I have really long brown hair and I wear black t-shirts I guess thats why. I really can't wait to get to college where people are more open minded instead of stupid ass high school kids.
First of all... I know exactly how you feel Winter Frost I have long brown hair, and wear all band shirts that not anyone at my school seems to know of, so I am always confronted by people about it.

Second of all in case you all are referring to me talking about hatred I never said that (but Mikael is God did) I was just trying to say that I felt the hatred that Mikael is trying to convey in the lyrics for the album more because I was around so many ignorant people thats all, Opeth makes me feel great. :D
A year a go, when I was in senior high, some guy thought my Opeth shirt (w/ the huge logo) said 'Bitch.'
Then again, if I mentioned 'Swedish metal' to anybody in that school they looked at me funny.

But oh man, do Opeth and school mix. Especially in the wintertime, with the leaves everywhere and the desolate pavements and naked trees all over the place... grey sky overhead, the milling of everyone about, and the cold bite of frost in the air... Hell yeah! What the - Hey!! Damn administrators took my Walkman away!!
Hehe that's why I just hide my CD player, in the back pack or something, gotta be sneaky with that shit! Oh and Raven about people trying to find out what your shirt says I can't believe he thought it said Bitch that is soo stupid. People thought my Opeth shirts said "Oprah" quite a few times, and my Emperor shirts were often referred to as "Crockpot" :lol: :lol:
let people call u what they want, yesterday when i said i was going to see Dying Fetus, Cryptopsy, and Vader all i got were laughs, then when i said Vader were Polish i got laughed at more!, but who cares, it just annoys me when people critise music they havent heard, if you've heard a band then u can say u dont like them, dont just say u hate them because they are polish and u dont like the name:mad: , in conclusion all i say is do what u want and sing opeth on the streets, prefrably with a ghetto blaster and at a packed bus stop:heh:

Ps, ive never used this expression before so here goes :loco: , or this one :err: , that was fun.
Originally posted by winter-frost

I really can't wait to get to college where people are more open minded instead of stupid ass high school kids.

I'm in college and ppl are still just as judgemental as high school the main diff is the cliques are bigger and called Fraternities/Sororities.
I hear all kinds of comments behind my back. I just feel bad for these poor ppl that feel the need to make fun of others to make themselves feel better. And not only that but by making fun of something like an Opeth shirt or anything else they don't understand they're just proving how incredibly narrow-minded they are, which in the long run will only harm themselves bcs they'll eventually (at least I hope so) realize all the people and experiences that they have missed out by being so close-minded...they deserve whatever pain that realization causes them.