Opeth nominated to the Grammis 2006... Good or Bad????

Oh dear god, it's turned into a slag-fest :erk:
Look, ok, I think Blimey's 'learn English' jibe is below the belt. I don't think anybody should be expected to learn English if it isn't their mother tongue. Hell, the only other language I ever tried to learn was French, and I wasn't good at that! (well, I got an A for French, but the system of assesment of foreign language skills is a joke in this country :lol: ).
I can see where he's coming from, but I can see that you're really only expressing an opinion, rather than bitching (in reference to BastardSonOfGod). But if we don't all agree, I don't understand why it all has to descend to......this :erk:.
And a rofl nazi - My question is why aren't they nominated for American grammies?!?! I mean, god knows what awful shit will get nominated this year... (probably My Chemical Romance :yuk:, the grammy judges will probably pass that as metal!!!! :lol: ).
Liquid Diamonds said:
My question is why aren't they nominated for American grammies?!?!

Yeah, they ought to be... but I can take a guess:
...because they're not Americans...?
How can this thread even exist? There was a thread a little bit ago about Opeth becoming more popular, selling out and anything else related to those subjects. In said thread, Mikael owned just about everyone saying that their popularity is something to be afraid of. If you are upset about a band getting awards, getting more popular, and making more money, then you're an idiot. It's that simple. And who compares Opeth with slipknot? Nobody i've encountered has done such a thing. About the comments on In Flames changing their sound, it's a different situation. I don't know why they called their album reroute to remain; perhaps it was a reroute to remain popular, or a reroute to remain interested in what they're playing, but all I know is that its a reroute towards diarrhea in my ears. In flames haven't changed the same way Opeth has in exploring sonic territory. Instead, Anders can't sing his way out of a paper bag, the songwriting is lackluster, and the general sound of the band is forgettable.

Please don't clutter this forum with dumb threads about Opeth becoming popular.
When Opeth gets nominated for an American grammy award next to 50 cent and "insert rap group that warps american youth here" then you should be worried. But as far as I can tell, a swedish grammi award... is probably fine... they are from Sweden and I think death metal may be kinda big there. Sweden is, after all, the music capital of the world.. always has been.
BastardSonOfGod said:
Cath33 is awesome... really awesome, I think the same... But GR is a big album too... is hard to choose one! We'll see

And I'm happy for Opeth too... But that scare me a little...

From what I can tell, most people DON'T like Catch-33 and I can't really see why. Aside from Mind's Mirror, it's one of my favorites of the year!
I want Opeth to succeed and be successful, and I think they definitely deserve it. They certainly deserve more recognition.

I'm only afraid of the outbreak of people who would wear Opeth shirts just because it's cool, not because they like the music.
Fucking right this is a good thing - it means that people are finally opening their ears and giving Opeth the respect they damn well deserve !
I think its fucken ridiculous hoping that your favourite band does not attain a good level of success, ok i know a lot of people worry about them changing their style and selling out like so many bands do, but i cant see opeth changing for anyone but themselves. They deserve success and recognition. I read in an interview lately that Mikael said that their crew AND fans probably make more money than the band themselves - speaks volumes really. Is it fair to wish that they dont get high sales (keeping them poor) just so you can remain in your "exclusive club"?

Give em a break, morons
The only qualm I have with increased popularity is the new fanbase that tends to get drawn in. I understand that each new era of a band draws in new fans. However, the more mainstream attention the band gets, the more chance a 'mainstream-minded' person will get into them.

You tend to find that the more obscure a band is, the more effort the fan has to look into order to find them. That implies #1 the fan really is a lover of music, or connoiseur or whatever wanker word you preffer and #2 they show incentive and that's indicative of an 'enlightened' or perhaps 'intelligent' person.

The more a band gets into the mainstream spotlight, the easier it is for people who don't really give two hoots about music to hear them. They may like the chorus to Isolation Years or something because it's really sombre and catchy, but their experience of music would only be limited to that narrow appreciation.

I'm not really sure if I'm being clear at all, but basically what I'm saying is that I dread the day that I see people practicing their karate moves (xcore) in the pit of an Opeth gig *shudder*.
BastardSonOfGod said:
You have the same oppinion about In Flames?... most of the people here said in a thread that the new In Flames are really bad... that's why I made this thread... Opeth has changed a lot since they started... In Flames was in tour with Slipknot and most of the "old fans" spit on them... now the people compare Opeth with Slipknot... what happens???? for me is a good questions... a lot of people blame In Flames before, now said that with Opeth doesn't care... well. what's the real oppinion about all this?

Opeth have never compromised on the music. Where as Inflames did. But i still think inflames are pretty good anyway.