Opeth or Emperor

opeth or emperor

  • Opeth

    Votes: 40 59.7%
  • Emperor

    Votes: 27 40.3%

  • Total voters

Nocturnal Emperor

Why so serious ?
Jun 8, 2002
Manchester United Kingdom
yesterday i was listenin to these two bands and i realised that these are two of the finest bands in music ever both have extremely talented musicans both bands produce beautiful emotional music and the music they produce is similar in some ways. eg use of growls and clean vocals, layered guitars, intelligent lyrics, unique elements in their music. so who do you choose overall.

i feel that emperor just edge it.
after having a re-think, and a re-listen a still go for opeth, some great work in my arms your hearse, it betters anything emperor have done but this fact alone does not change my mind, opeth bore the socks off me, and my pants, emperor bores my socks off but it only tickles my ball sack a bit
Both are hideously overrated bands with far too many fan boys without doubt. Emperor however, once actually had the ability to record solid albums, unlike Opeth. Both are quite dire at this point, although Emperor had the sense to quit before raping their reputation more.
You "fanboy" bashers can all remain tr00 to your underground ideas of only likeing stuff that is popular with other tr00 "undergrounders" and the rest of us who simply enjoy these bands, which is a SMALL percentage of music listeners (including metal fans), we shall in the meantime thrash about to some Emperor followed by some Opeth.
I love both bands :D

I cant really decide tho, since it really depends on the mood (or even which one im listening too) which determine which is my favorite.

I'll say, Opeth since I've listened to them longer
I´ll go with Opeth
and tho I think both bands are overrated(they are very good but they get more praise than they actually deserve)it's not fair to say about the fanboys and selling out and blah blah blah
that's just crap.they continue to make good music,if they stopped metal and started doing pop-punk or nu metal to sell more then they would suck but they haven't
The only thing that's overrated are opinions.... (and maybe Opeth, lol :p)

My vote goes for Emperor... (after all they've achieved more with 2 full-length albums than other bands do with 5 or more albums...if at all)
Emperor will always be better than Opeth. I like all of Emperor's albums for different reasons, but when it comes to Opeth, anything after Morningrise is dull. Like Ormir said, Emperor had the integrity to quit while they were ahead. Opeth keep falling on a downward spiral.

Opeth are now unnecessary.