Opeth: The New Beatles?

Guardian of Darkness said:
But if you're asking who's more talented - who makes better music - how can ANYONE say The Beatles? Ever? From what you're saying Sengir, Avril is better than Opeth

As far as talent, I'd give that to the Beatles no problem. You may not like their music, but they had a butt load of talent. Better music, well that's up to the listener. Not too mention two different time periods. I myself prefer Opeth, but I'm not going to say it's better than what the Beatles were doing.

BTW, I'm pretty sure Opeth was influenced by the Beatles. Maybe not directly, but definitely through their 70s prog band influences who where very much influenced by the Beatles.
BTW, original topic. No way in hell are Opeth the new Beatles. I don't know where you guys come up with this stuff. They may write somewhat out of the bounds of metal at times, but it's still always metal (Damnation aside, if they do more of this I may change my argument but not yet). The Beatles throughout their career were all over the board as far as musical genres.
Guardian of Darkness said:
The Beatles did a few good songs, but I generally don't like them. I don't give a fucking crap if they influenced good bands, I don't like most of their music, I DEFINITELY don't like the band members, so sod them.
You don't have to like their music. I don't even like them that much. But to completely ignore their impact on pretty much all modern music is just stupid.

Guardian of Darkness said:
But if you're asking who's more talented - who makes better music - how can ANYONE say The Beatles? Ever?
Maybe because they like the Beatles better? Which band makes better music is totally subjective. Which band is more talented can also be subjective because people define talent in different ways, but I think for the most part the Beatles were way more talented than Opeth. Do you really think in thirty years Opeth will have had the same effect on music that the Beatles have? Look at how many different things the Beatles did over ten years and then look at what Opeth has done. They make Opeth look like AC/DC or The Ramones in terms of artistic progression and innovation.
Opeth are better than the Beatles. First off the Beatles were a regular pop band who, admittedly, did progress a little further than the average pop band over a few years (with the COLOSSAL help of Bob Dylan and his friends The Byrds, it has to be said. They influenced the Beatles almost beyond comprehension.) Then psychedelia and the whole hippy craze started to become popular and The Beatles hopped onto the new bandwagon. It's hard to even give them respect for risking to lose their fanbase here, seeing as it was already becoming popular when they joined in. Let It Be and Abbey Road carry on the whole hippy thing, I'm guessing, but I've not heard much from these albums. The Beatles had a few good songs, but lets face it, would the world go crazy today if Please Please Me had been originally released this week?


Robert Johnson is the most influential person of the last 100 years, certainly.

The Beatles were always the ones to just 'get' something after someone else had done it. They released the first double album, oh but Frank Zappa actually released the two-LP Freak Out before them
, they were the first to use eight-track recordings and synthesizers, oh except the Monkees did that two years before them, they did the fade out/in ending first, oh but The Beach Boys did it first actually, they were the first people to release a record with a huge artistic intent with Sgt. Pepper, except for John Cage who was doing it in the 30's (along with about a billion other avante-garde composers)... There's a lot more, it should take you about ten seconds to find on the internet if you so wish to.

This is true for everything the Beatles did. They may have been tremendously influential, but they were tremendously influenced by everything around them. And this, you may argue, makes them great, but it's much harder to come up with an idea out of the blue than to steal it off some else.

Sorgh said:
The Beatles had a few good songs, but lets face it, would the world go crazy today if Please Please Me had been originally released this week this week?
They probably would because songs like that created today's musical climate.
graveflower said:
They probably would because songs like that created today's musical climate.

I disagree. They would obviously have been acknowledged after a period of time, but I sincerely doubt that they would have anywhere near the impact that they had in the 60's.

Sorgh said:
I disagree. They would obviously have been acknowledged after a period of time, but I sincerely doubt that they would have anywhere near the impact that they had in the 60's.

I think you miss the point. If you took all the music that exists today minus The Beatles, and then The Beatles appeared, no they would not be as big. But most of today's music wouldn't exist as it does now if The Beatles hadn't existed.
graveflower said:
I think you miss the point. If you took all the music that exists today minus The Beatles, and then The Beatles appeared, no they would not be as big. But most of today's music wouldn't exist as it does now if The Beatles hadn't existed.

Of course I wouldn't deny that fact. It doesn't make the Beatles' music any better, however, and certainly doesn't make me think they are any less over-rated.

Ok "Sorgh", let me get this straight...the beatles are "unoriginal", simply influenced by other things unknown to most the music listening world. And the Beatles, NOT THEIR FANS?...claimed these original concepts and musical executions? And opeth is completely original, new and un-influenced by the music they listen to? including the beatles, many 70s rock/ and progressive bands and metal bands of the 80s and 90s? and last but not least, even jacking lyrics straight from video games now? i think you need to re-evaluate the forum you are in, and the arguments you are posing here. :Smug:

the beatles (even granted these rip-offs you claim they had), are still incredibly more influential and original than opeth is...which is the original question of this thread anyway.
Hehe.... Good one Mark. ;)

I should have thought ot do a thread like this a while ago (Like, back when you did.)
The Beatles, as nearly everyone knows, were the greatest pop music artists of their time, and that should be all that need be said.

Wondering about what it would be like if the Beatles were a Seattle band in 1992 might be interesting, but it's not a valid way to determine their influence. Everything that they did has been examined, digested, and assimilated. Today wouldn't be Today without the Beatles.

Even Opeth probably wouldn't be Opeth without them. Opeth's influences are the prog bands of the 70s, who themselves were influenced by the Beatles as much as anyone else in pop.
And anyone with common sense or has read any Opeth interviews would also know that Mikael and Peter are big beatle fans themselves, not just influenced by them through the prog bands of the 70s they like. :Smug:
I personally never got into the beatles. I've heard lots by them and about them, and since I wasn't impressed, I have to say they're overrated in my book. Untalented? No. That should be obvious. Pop? Sure. But that's not a bad thing. Pop music and radio play aren't always bad things. Rip-offs? Sorry people, but there are VERY FEW bands or artists that are 100% original. Neither the Beatles or Opeth are.

However, the bottom line is: I like Opeth much, much, better. They take jazz, progressive, folk, alternative, death metal, NWOBHM, and lots of other styles and mix them perfectly. And I like it. More and more people are starting to find out about this great band, and I know that they will help this melodic Swedish metal explode, replacing nu-metal as the dominant form of heavy music.(Watch Headbangers Ball, you'll see.) I like them much much better than the Beatles.

The Beatles never sucked. They were overrated though. I personally think the Doors were a lot more exciting and innovative. That's an opinion. Influence? The Beatles win. Personal preference? Opeth owns.
pagan2002 said:
this is the single stupidest post i have seen on the entire site for a long time. sorry mate, no offence, but dont talk about stuff you just dont understand. the beatles wrote some profound stuff. check out the lyrics to across the universe. it might go right over your head.
as for opeth, we have played with them and know the guys a bit. they are talented lads, but really nothing revolutionary. they would be the first to admit it.

What is the name of your band? What are the chances of me having heard of you?

TakinTheMusicBack said:
Is English your second language?This post doesn't make a lot of sense. :zombie:
Mikael is NOT the messiah, he's a very naughty boy.


That was impeccably timed!

Look, you've got it all wrong, You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals.
Yes, we're all individuals!
You're all different!
Yes, we are all different!
I'm not.

Any other Python fans around here?

mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
hey, whats new in opeths music? i cant hear anything ive already heard before. im not saying theyre not talented and that, but its not that ground breaking.
Name one band that sound like Opeth.

I don't think that Opeth will influence popular music like the Beatles did, because they will never have the commercial success. Even if Opeth are not equal in originality to the Beatles, I think that Opeth are more emotionally deep than the Beatles, and that's what matters the most. Before you try to argue, I will let you know that I am very familiar with the Beatles' music. I do like it, and they had plenty of great songs, but I prefer Opeth.
LordHypnos said:
I sincerely hope you dont feel Opeths lyrics are incredibly profound either...

"The memories that now rest in this forest, forever shadowing the sunrise of my heart"

"In solitude i wander, through the vast enchanted forest"

"Riding the fires of the northern gold, ive searched the eye, i laugh under the weeping moon."

"You sleep in the light, yet the night and the silent water, still so dark"

"You are in a forest unknown, the secret orchard, and your voice is vast and achromatic..."

You see? terrible lyrics! so please people, before we start bashing the "BEATLES"!! of all bands on lyrical content (i think their credentials in the music industry speak for themselves), lets re-evaluate what forum we are in! thank you....and for you the alumnus, i dont think you have any place to talk about instant gratification considering youre a metal fan...bashing the beatles.:Smug:

*prepares for fanboy onslaught*
where do i begin...
first, i never said that opeth's lyrics were "incredibly profound", but rather in comparison to such trite as "love me do, you know i love you" or "she loves you yeah yeah yeah", for a people who speak english as a second language even the carefully selected lines from orchid (not my arms your hearse or another lyrically poetic album), they aren't so bad. as far as the "credentials of the music industry" goes, if you believe that popularity contests equates talent you must be a big backstreet boy fan. the music industry are whores who promote the lowest common demoninator. this, plus your rather childish ad hominem speaks volumes towards your education and intelligence. you have no credibility by trying to argue that the beatles write good lyrics because the RIAA says so, or that my argument is wrong because...gasp...i listen to heavy metal. my god, who would think that such a person posts on a heavy metal forum? obviously not the wise and educated poster here.
as for the fanboy remark, all i have to say is the last two opeth albums sucked.
If you wouldnt mind showing me where in my post i stated that i feel popularity has anything to do with being a good band? in any case, most the music i listen to is underground/older or obscure in some form or another, so that kills that theory of yours. as for the beatles lyrics of "love me do" and "she loves you, yeah, yeah yeah"...those songs were written to be nothing more than pop songs, they never tried to sell those off as something special or great...neither am I. its the later era beatles...the stuff that truly influenced most the people who were influenced by them that im talking about. As for saying i think the beatles write good lyrics because of "RIAA" (whoever that might be?) says so...then i hate to dissapoint you, because thats a conclusion ive come to from listening to them for years. So you can take "love me do" and do whatever youd like with it...for when Opeth writes lyrics as good as "the long and winding road" or "yesterday" or "a day in the life"...(which is mikaels favorite song of all time i might add)....then you can page me. Thank you