Opeth: The New Beatles?

graveflower said:
Um, there's pretty much no comparison between John Cage and The Beatles at all. They made completely different types of music for completely different audiences and purposes. The Beatles are notable for taking so many musical elements not usually associated with mainstream music and putting them in that context, and turning rock away from mass blues plagiarization and into an artform of its own.
i don't know how you came to the conclusion that my mentioning of john cage was in relation to the beatles at all, but it wasn't. i was referring to this post "If I sat down with some pots and pans, and started hitting random ones, I'm sure I could make it catch on somehow". it was a satyrical quip aimed at john cage, and to be taken lightly and not as an affront to cage's music (though i am not a fan).
the alumnus said:
i don't know how you came to the conclusion that my mentioning of john cage was in relation to the beatles at all, but it wasn't. i was referring to this post "If I sat down with some pots and pans, and started hitting random ones, I'm sure I could make it catch on somehow". it was a satyrical quip aimed at john cage, and to be taken lightly and not as an affront to cage's music (though i am not a fan).
I just assumed your post was directed at my argument since you quoted one of my posts. Sorry about that.