
How come most of you are puting Deliverance so far down on the list? You must not have really listened to that cd. Its like the most amazing thing ever. I know we each have are own opninon on what ones we like the best and can relate to but come on that cd is so damn good. For me it hard to put one as my favorite but if i had to it would be My Arms Your Hearse and Deliverance. The rest fall into place in no order cause they change. When im listeing to one of those other albubs its like wow Opeth is one of best bands ever and and that cd that im listeing to at that time comes in the 3rd place behind deliverance and mayh.
well mine is
1.Blackwater Park
2.Still Life
3.My Arms Your Hearse

why is deliverance @ the bottom?
well for me, i like opeth's concept albums but BWP... just has the best songs for me with the perfect balance between heavy and mellow
deliverance left a bitter taste in my mouth, no concept... just heavy stuff mostly..
i mean i love still life and MAYH's concepts
and BWP has this common theme throughout the album... like a winter theme for me...
Deliverance didnt do a lot for me i must say
just my opinion
I'm just happy that there's seven albums to choose from. Most bands I like have 2 or 3 top-notch records at the most. Opeth are such an embarrassment of riches, I never get tired of any of the CDs.
The first five completely own the last two. Deliverance is easily the worst album they've done, some great ideas put with boring ones.
Yeah I might be in the minority but Deliverance would be in my top three no matter how the other albums change positions depending on my listening sessions. Orchid is the most unique thing they have done (not necessarily the best) and BWP is brilliant.
I agree that Morningrise continues to be seen as the holy grail in the Opeth catalogue but I just don't get it. Although it does have great bass playing on it that is very distinctive compared to the other releases. As a bass player I like it for that but this worshipping of BRI seems well like some sort of religious underground zealotry-LOL.