Opinions on Three Inches of Blood.


Aug 2, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
I really like this band alot. I find them refreshing honestly. Normally id get mad If someone badmouthed a band I like. But I want to hear all the uncensored opinions on these guys. Cause there seems to be alot of controversy about them. So yeah... All ears.
The high pitched vocals make me laugh and are fun to hear. Can't say I hate them, but beyond the vocals nothing special stands out to me about them.
They sound like another cheesy power metal band where making music is secondary to "staying true" and slaying posers. On top of this, their music is incredibly generic and has no redeeming qualities at all. Nothing about them stands out to me.
I dig them. I don't think they're amazing, nor do I think that they're "saviors of metal", but I do enjoy them. They made some pretty catchy songs. Deadly Sinners is the shit!
Hmmm. Well firstly they arent power metal. Dragonforce does not equal 3 inches of blood. And another thing they do stay true, I have followed these guys since their first album, and its pure metal. And generic? I guess id have to hear your opinion on "Generic" first. Keep in coming man. I like to hear what ya think.
They're a crap band who ape the notion of being true and eschew it by playing annoying, metalcore-inspired crap (I like metalcore and I am one of the biggest purveyors of it on this board, but when a band does that kind of thing blindly and only for trendy stupid reasons, it makes me mad). SOMETIMES they can be catchy in a minor way, but either way there's really nothing of substance.

By the way, making a thread about a band you absolutely love and asking for opinions, then getting angry when people express their (negative) opinions is sort of counter-intuitive. Just letting you know.
Personally I wouldn't worry too much about what other metal heads think about what bands you like just realize when they say "This band fucking sucks" it usually just means "This band isn't my style". And usually the reason behind hating bands is because they're too generic, too mainstream, or because their image is lame by extreme metal standards.

Honestly there's not a lot of metal out there that I hate, all metal sounds okay to me, it's not like some other genres of music that make me want to get away. But in terms of what goes on my ipod a lot of bands won't make it on simply cause there's stuff I like a lot more.
I like the name. It's weirdly specific. Not "knee deep in blood-" nope, it's precisely three inches (deep, I'm assuming. Maybe they mean inches cubed? That would be pretty lame.)

anyway, solidly mediocre, boring band, listen to the bands they're trying to mimic instead
They're a crap band who ape the notion of being true and eschew it by playing annoying, metalcore-inspired crap (I like metalcore and I am one of the biggest purveyors of it on this board, but when a band does that kind of thing blindly and only for trendy stupid reasons, it makes me mad). SOMETIMES they can be catchy in a minor way, but either way there's really nothing of substance.

By the way, making a thread about a band you absolutely love and asking for opinions, then getting angry when people express their (negative) opinions is sort of counter-intuitive. Just letting you know.

Ok ok. Once again, excuse me but what do you mean by "trendy reasons and blindly". And I never got angry at anyones opinion. I just dont tiptoe around so i dont hurt anyones feelings. And i make sure they back up what they are saying, whether or not I agree is of no importance.
What he's referring to is the way you clearly started this thread to get some positive reinforcement and shoot down criticism.


Hmmm. Well firstly they arent power metal. Dragonforce does not equal 3 inches of blood. And another thing they do stay true, I have followed these guys since their first album, and its pure metal. And generic? I guess id have to hear your opinion on "Generic" first. Keep in coming man. I like to hear what ya think.

that post is silly, using dragonforce as a yardstick for power metal is bizarre, and "generic" means they sound very average and typical, which they do.

As for the above post, I think "trendy reasons" means they do it because it's a trend (for reasons of trendiness, if you will- possibly some relation to the singing style, which mimics modern trends? I dunno), and "blindly" may imply a lack of... sight, maybe? Metaphorical sight, even? Artistic vision? It's pretty complex shit. Better form your own conclusions!
They would be a shit load better if they got rid of that stupid screamer.

Once again, excuse me but what do you mean by "trendy reasons and blindly".

I think he's talking about the screamer, whose sole purpose in the band is to make them sound more modern and appealing to hardcore/metalcore fans.
What he's referring to is the way you clearly started this thread to get some positive reinforcement and shoot down criticism.


that post is silly, using dragonforce as a yardstick for power metal is bizarre, and "generic" means they sound very average and typical, which they do.

As for the above post, I think "trendy reasons" means they do it because it's a trend (for reasons of trendiness, if you will- possibly some relation to the singing style, which mimics modern trends? I dunno), and "blindly" may imply a lack of... sight, maybe? Metaphorical sight, even? Artistic vision? It's pretty complex shit. Better form your own conclusions!

I didn't really want positive reinforcement actually. but I see where your coming from. I just like to debate shit. And metal is my favorite topic.
They would be a shit load better if they got rid of that stupid screamer.

I think he's talking about the screamer, whose sole purpose in the band is to make them sound more modern and appealing to hardcore/metalcore fans.

Yeah Jamie Hooper is who your talking about. I know what you mean. I think that they would stand out more w/ out him.
I'm just cantankerous 'cause Cam Pipes killed my brother.


Anyway yeah, I don't get threads like this. Not really sure what there is to discuss. Someone says wow yeah they own, someone else goes wtf fag you're wrong then it just becomes a stupid argument and no one wins, AND it's off topic. Just what I foresee, hasn't happened totally yet though.

Regardless, I think they're just really trendy, and my meaning of "blindly" is that they don't really have any reason to use hardcore breakdowns and hardcore screaming if they truly "respect" old-school metal.

Anyway yeah, I don't get threads like this. Not really sure what there is to discuss. Someone says wow yeah they own, someone else goes wtf fag you're wrong then it just becomes a stupid argument and no one wins, AND it's off topic. Just what I foresee, hasn't happened totally yet though.

Regardless, I think they're just really trendy, and my meaning of "blindly" is that they don't really have any reason to use hardcore breakdowns and hardcore screaming if they truly "respect" old-school metal.

Wow. You kinda caught me off guard with that. "If they respect old school metal why do they use the screamer" Thats true. I really wish theyd trash him... cause regardless i do like theyre stuff and i do like theyre "Old school vocals"