Opinions on Three Inches of Blood.

I hadn't heard this band until I saw this thread so I checked out their myspace.

They don't seem very scencester to me.

Their vocals annoy me. Their music seems fairly un-remarkable. They do come off a bit silly at times, with their "metalness".

Meh, I didn't really like this kind of metal in the 80's, so I can't really appreciate this modernized version of it.

Well I sure hope you're not basing your 80s metal taste on this petty excuse for a band.
Well I made the post to see what people thought. And I got some pretty mixed opinions. Ill still listen to these guys but alot of you made some really valid points that ill have to consider. Thanks for the input.
They would be a shit load better if they got rid of that stupid screamer.

I think he's talking about the screamer, whose sole purpose in the band is to make them sound more modern and appealing to hardcore/metalcore fans.

The screamer, who sounds like SHIT and is so fucking pointless.
3IoB is a fun band.

Fun to listen to.

Oh and the screamer is a good idea because hearing the same type of vocals through the whole song sucks. It contrasts the high assed vocals. Variety is good.
I've never listened to Three Inches of Blood, but I once saw someone in a thread compare them to Blind Guardian. Now, this may be a completely asanine comparison, I have no idea; but I do like Blind Guardian. Does anyone here want to say "yay" or "nay?" From what I've read on this thread, they don't sound close to Blind Guardian at all.

From all I've read here, the closest thing I can think of to compare them to would be Avenge Sevenfold; fair, or no?
I've never listened to Three Inches of Blood, but I once saw someone in a thread compare them to Blind Guardian. Now, this may be a completely asanine comparison, I have no idea; but I do like Blind Guardian. Does anyone here want to say "yay" or "nay?" From what I've read on this thread, they don't sound close to Blind Guardian at all.

From all I've read here, the closest thing I can think of to compare them to would be Avenge Sevenfold; fair, or no?


Not even close. Thanks for the link 1349. I definitely hear some Avenge though. Can't say I'm all that impressed. The singer's voice is a little too screechy for me. Nice guitar riffs though.
I dig them. I don't think they're amazing, nor do I think that they're "saviors of metal", but I do enjoy them. They made some pretty catchy songs. Deadly Sinners is the shit!

I agree with this post.

And I disagree that the band would sound better without Hooper, I don't think he's that bad of a vocalist.
I can take them at face value to a degree. They're kinda catchy, entertaining enough live that I wouldn't necessarily duck out early on a show they were headlining. I can see their potential for more widespread appeal, as there are definitely some elements in their music that fall in line with the current crop of melodic metalcore acts. I'm not really bothered if they sometimes come off as a satirical portrayal of both styles; I'm just not digging it enough to give them much more of my attention.