
Orchid doesn't get enough recognition it DESERVES. It's a masterpiece, just like any other TRUE Opeth fan will claim, period.

Let's do a breakdown of the amazingness of this album shall we?

1. In Mist She Was Standing - Amazing riffs, double bass to insanity. At about the 4:00 minute mark it turns into intense groove based rhythms with dual layered guitars (which I miss A LOT) and busting out into random solos of greatness. Then the 7:00 minute hits. You start to go up a mountain, and then start to come off the peak as he says " DARKNESS ENCLOSING..............." fucking amazing. Then it calms down, goes into some headbanging grooves, slows down a bit, and lifts you back up to insanity.

11:40 - Fucking Magic. End of story about this song.

2. Under the Weeping Moon - Classic, amazing intro, then slows down again getting breakneck lyrics with amazing force at 2:50. Great riffing until the intense breakdown at 6:22. Rest is history.

3. Silhouette - Best instrumental Opeth has ever done. That is all.

4. Forest of October - Fuck, this song is so full of win. Incredible beginning, riffing is hardcore at sections, and dual guitars AGAIN. I miss shit like this, such great energy. Then goes off into doomy breakdown at 7:10. After that incredibly groovy double bass section that starts at 9:18 (with another background solo, of course. fucking ridiculous). Then the uplifting ending, that makes this song perfect in every way that encompasses Opeth's talent. Period.

5. THE TWILIGHT IS MY ROBE - Most underrated song they have in existence, aside from probably Nectar. Absolutely ridiculous opening, into one of my favorite riffs EVER: 2:11. OH MY GAAWSH. "Shrouded in crystals
Through a frosty dusk. Souls of the fullmoon awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaitssssssss". Acoustic breakdown in middle to set the mood for the fucking AMAZING outro riff starting at 5:45. Brilliance. I love this part so much, amazing. Of course it doesnt end here, another amazing acoustic section then into another double bass assault of incredible tempo AND a ridiculously fucking insane riff on TOP of hardcore vocals. Amazing. 7:30 this section starts.

Then, the best outro ever. I headbang to this each and every time, makes this song explode. 10:15-end. Yep.

Requiem - Nice filler track, most older albums have these. Something I love to play on guitar. DUAL GUITARS AGAIN.

ahh, and last but not least we have: The Apostle in Triumph. Brilliant acoustic opening, you think the album is going to close (of course not, I did when I first heard it though) then it goes down into groovy bass sections until it starts hammering your face slowly at 4:34 - then it really drills your face into the ground at 4:51. Grooves, double bass, dual guitars. Doesn't let up. Then old school drop offs that make watershed stuff look similar (the lotus eater comes to mind), yet IMMEDIATELY picks back up with another catchy amazing riff at 8:30. More double bass, solos out of everywhere.

This album destroys. If you haven't listened to it and your an Opeth fan, buy it now.

The Twilight Is My Robe is THE greatest triumph of early-Opeth.

We are in accord, Orchid and Morningrise shape the first and elemental matrix of Opeth's spirit, in my opinion of listener.

Before a long time, The Twilight Is Robe was my hymn, frankly, with the brilliant Black Rose Immortal (actually, the last is my chosen song from their discography).

Edit : My last chosen song, I have never said anything else about the album's order. So, maybe it is my manner to write which is not clear.
i mean, if i listened to WS as many times as i listen to Orchid , id end up hating it as much as i hate enter sandman or sad but true :erk:.

I know what you mean, but imagine if they still did the style they were doing on the first 2-3 records...wouldn´t be that great either, would it?
The thing is, if a song like "Burden" had been released in the 70s or 80s, it would be considered as one of those great big rock ballads which everybody knows. So I think that WHEN an album is released really affects your view on it. Same with Orchid.
I dont like this album and I still consider myself to be a true opeth fan, been listening since 2002 with deliverance as the introducer. I can with all honesty say that I dont like either orchid or morningrise, they are just not the same band to me as opeth is from MAYH (which is my favorite album probably) and upwards. the bad recording, the bad vocals (yes they are bad) just doesnt make up for a good album. Sure, there are good riffs but with really bad sound quality and either way, you can't just listen to the instrumental parts. Black rose immortal has some great riffs and some great acoustic work but the whole song in its entirety is just... bad. And very hard to listen to.

Everybody hates sound-polices!
I dont like this album and I still consider myself to be a true opeth fan, been listening since 2002 with deliverance as the introducer. I can with all honesty say that I dont like either orchid or morningrise, they are just not the same band to me as opeth is from MAYH (which is my favorite album probably) and upwards. the bad recording, the bad vocals (yes they are bad) just doesnt make up for a good album. Sure, there are good riffs but with really bad sound quality and either way, you can't just listen to the instrumental parts. Black rose immortal has some great riffs and some great acoustic work but the whole song in its entirety is just... bad. And very hard to listen to.

The production suits the music imo. If either Morningrise or Orchid had that lush, thick sounding production of Deliverance or BWP then it'd just sound damn wrong. There's something really special about listening to Opeth in their rawest and most unadulterated form... that's one of the reasons why I feel their first 2 albums are so special.
I laugh out loud every time someone says the Opeth's first two albums have bad production.

Have you ever listened to black metal? Ever? Go listen to Nattens Madrigal by Ulver (which is an incredible album btw) then listen to Orchid / Morningrise
Then tell me what you think.
I like Orchid and Morningrise, they're nowhere near "bad" in any way, but they have yet to blow me away like the other seven albums. Orchid is my least favorite but is still quite good. The acoustic section around the 7 minute mark or so (or maybe it was 6, whichever section is the acoustic part that's one acoustic passage after the main 2 minute long one) in TTIMR is just amazing.