Oslo bombing

horrible tragedy :(

but at least as it seems they got the guy
cutting his head off wouldn't make the situation any better.
Hopefully he'll rott in a dark hole until his last day.

I think it's frightening how people got "WAH MUSLIM TERROR!" pretty quick even if there was no evidence (at least I don't think there was, maybe I missed it).
read on our newspaper now that the suspect is an right winged anti-muslim christian conservative, and maybe did this because he thought the government was too easy with multy-culuture issues.
fucked up world
He posed as a cop, saying that he would perform some rutine check after the explosions, called a bunch of kids to him and then started firing with an automatic weapon. 84 confirmed dead so far, but they are still searching the area and waters for more. He may have been connected to the bombing as well.
Absolutely nuts. How in the world does one man shoot and kill 80 people? This blows my mind. And jeez you guys are all a pack of racist bastards to have jumped the gun like some of you did.

Not that far from the perpetrator's mindset actually.

The world's an unfunny place, shamethread is full of shame.
Yo guys

While I agree it may not have been the coolest move to jump to conclusions about the possible background of the person(s) responsible try to keep in mind that it wasn't long after the bombs went off that this weird Jihad group started posting messages making it seem like they had something to do with all this. I guess no one can know for sure yet. Also keep in mind that it's not like there weren't threats of reprisals and a history of actions to at least already have the idea in people's heads

Just sayin
Yo guys

While I agree it may not have been the coolest move to jump to conclusions about the possible background of the person(s) responsible try to keep in mind that it wasn't long after the bombs went off that this weird Jihad group started posting messages making it seem like they had something to do with all this. I guess no one can know for sure yet. Also keep in mind that it's not like there weren't threats of reprisals and a history of actions to at least already have the idea in people's heads

Just sayin

I agree, it was a reasonable conclusion at the time.
On the other hand it's natural to want retribution for terrorists and violent extremists, but it's still really fucking shit.
Every part of this is fucking tragic, both the cowardly nature of the attacks and the horribly right-wing initial response of the media/others. Hopefully if one thing comes of this it's that people realise that an extremist is an extremist, regardless of what religion/culture they are painted by.

Having said this, I couldn't help but cry watching the news reports earlier. I can't really muster any words to describe the horror of the situation, so all I can do is offer condolences to anybody that might have been affected. Today is a fucking dark day.
I know the initial news reports are often all jumbled up, but I read that the shooter on the Island was using a fully automatic weapon on the kids.

Are those legal in Norway? Are they easily available on the black market in Norway? Or possibly he stole the weapon from police/military stock piles.

And as for bomb making materials I wonder were he got them. The most simple bombs for civilians to make are usually made from fertilizer. Maybe he had access to a farm? That would allow the purchase of large amounts of fertilizers without raising suspicions.

I am just talking out loud here. If anybody in Norway on the ground has more information I would be interested to hear it.
32 years old, living with his mother and a member of several extreme-right communities, where he ironically spread alot of hate for the muslims.

midget: He apparently had a license for one Glock handgun and one "automatic weapon".
And as for bomb making materials I wonder were he got them. The most simple bombs for civilians to make are usually made from fertilizer. Maybe he had access to a farm? That would allow the purchase of large amounts of fertilizers without raising suspicions.

I was told he made fertilizer bombs, as he worked in a company that makes fertilizer. He bought 6 tons of it in May for personal use
The bomb was indeed made of fertilizer. The guy bought a farm and went to Felleskjøpet (big farming chain here) where he acquired 6 (some say 3) tons of the stuff, which is a normal amount. They investigated the farm and found out that bombs were made there, but also noticed some wasn't used/missing.

Handguns (Glocks are common) are legal to own if you are a member of a gun club for more than 6 months IIRC. Automatic weapons? Nope, not as I know for civilians.
84 kids died on that island? Damn shame. I hope none of the norwegian sneapsters lost any friends or relatives.
And I am ashamed to say my first thoughts were moslim-related as well. I hate it when I find out the media brainwashed me this well. But somehow I'm glad it is some rightwing asshole. Or else it would have started another wave of attacks on mosques and muslims everywhere in the western world. Extremism sucks... Every form of it.