OT: Official Movie Thread!

One day before my Trig class started last semester, I was standing in the hall watching American History X because the class before mine was watching it for some reason. I just thought, "This class owns trig." Then again, most classes do, haha.

Great movie
Has anyone seen World Trade Center? Part of me wants to see it, but at the same time I still remember everything that happened that day, and I don't feel the need to be reminded of it by watching a movie.
Beelzebub said:
Has anyone seen World Trade Center? Part of me wants to see it, but at the same time I still remember everything that happened that day, and I don't feel the need to be reminded of it by watching a movie.
You know, I would LOVE to go see that movie, but I really don't think a movie in which the setting was literally the day, time, and place that my father died would go too well with all the other shit going on in my head right now.
Today i finally saw Shyamalan's "Lady in the Water". It didn't make quite an impact at first, but after reading a few reviews, and putting things in order in my mind, i came to the conclusion that i've seen another masterpiece by the genious story-teller of our times. Gotta see that one again, this time paying attention to all the little details.
hmm, I watched the new version of 'the hills have eyes' the other week and I must say I loved it!! it was really awesome, the dudes who made it are very talented indeed. I've never seen the original Wes Craven version tho.

also, my best friend and I took our two 6yr olds to see Monster House last week and while we thought it was pretty cool, our kids didnt have quite the same reaction. My son took a while to warm into it because it was so 'scary' but ended up loving it (he is my son after all), and her son spent the entire time hiding in between the seats refusing to watch it because it was way too scary for him :lol: and doesn't like the movie. mind you, there were ALOT of adult jokes in there, so in many ways it probably wasn't very suitable for kids.
What's up with them putting so many adult jokes in Disney movies now? I've heard the whole "Disney is vulgar!!" rant many times, but now, they just put so many adult jokes in new movies.
Well the people who make Disney movies are adults, i guess they probably put adult jokes in there for the parents who have to watch these movies because they have kids , so it gives them something somewhat decent to watch for an hour or so .
SR wrote
hmm, I watched the new version of 'the hills have eyes' the other week and I must say I loved it!! it was really awesome, the dudes who made it are very talented indeed.

Didn't love it...didn't hate it...thought i'd like it more as it contained mutant rednecks, someone being burnt alive, more mutant rednecks, poor decision making skills by characters being stalked/chased/killed....but i wasn't sold on it.
SilentRealm said:
hmm, I watched the new version of 'the hills have eyes' the other week and I must say I loved it!! it was really awesome, the dudes who made it are very talented indeed. I've never seen the original Wes Craven version tho.
I saw this one recently too, being the horror movie fan I am. Thought it was pretty good aswell, very entertaining and a lot better than some of the other remakes out there.
Taliwakker said:
Didn't love it...didn't hate it...thought i'd like it more as it contained mutant rednecks, someone being burnt alive, more mutant rednecks, poor decision making skills by characters being stalked/chased/killed....but i wasn't sold on it.

emilie de ravin being raped by the mutant was alone enough to turn my ovaries to ice - ugh..

theres a few things i liked about the movie though (not having seen the first, but understanding the storyline is very likely the same).. firstly, that even though we might be yelling at the characters to not do what they are doing, because we know theyre gonna get in trouble for it, when you think about it.. its nothing that an ordinary person in that situation wouldn't do given their mindset about their particular role in the family (rather than people doing dumb things without any reason for it, like we usually see). also that they used a family made me care more about the characters and want to see them get out of the situation (rather than a bunch of whiny annoying teens who I can't wait to see slaughtered). And thirdly, that upbeat music when the credits roll.. that just made the entire thing for me!

ooh. also a movie i didnt actually mind was Slither - with, yes thats right, my one and only Nathan Fillion (he is the only reason I wanted to see the movie). Also, the ending music was upbeat, then when the chorus came in, I laughed my ass off! There's lots of typical Nathan Fillion moments in this such as the bit where the mayor is being taken over by the parasites and is begging to die.. and without blinking an eyelid.. Nathan shoots him between the eyes and keeps on walking.. :lol: ah yeah, it was a dumb movie.. but that's all it was meant to be.. so I liked it.