earthbound (the one I played on Snes) kicked anus.... It really did rock my soxzorz... and I did see the FFXIII trailer, I watch G4TV religiously lol, and they're covering E3
On the same note what looks hot for you guys at E3? Dunno how many of you are keeping tabs on it...But yeh... Things that I'm looking GREATLY toward!
Halo 3
(The trailer they had for Halo 3 was spectacular and showed off how bungie is making use of the Xbox360's graphics... Beautiful...And of course Marty O'Donnel's music is as kick ass as ever

Fable 2
(WOW was all i could say... Like I honestly loved Fable as a game, and many will agree it was a bit of a let down from what they where HYPING the game to be...But it was still a sturdy Action/RPG that kicked alot of butt! When I saw the trailer for this game I literally creamed myself... Looks awsome, Peter .M, keep up the KICK ass work!)
Final Fantasy XIII
(WOW once again... Final Fantasy 12 isn't even on the shelf yet and Sqaure Enix has already announced their next title... Looks awsome with spectacular Graphics! Although I know nothing of the story...But hey its a Final Fantasy game, so i'm sure it will impress!
(Fuck'en eh!!! I was never a fan of most of the Sims games, like I enjoyed SimCity...The Sims-was alright...however I spent more time building huge kick ass homes than actually playing in them lol! Spore for those of you who do not know is like SIM EVERYTHING... And well is a very new idea for a game where you literaly ge tto play the role of God... (Although I thought I was already that role..WTV) I got to watch Kevin Pereira play a demo of it on the PC and the creatures you can make look fantastic and very diverse. I heard it might be comming out on the xbox360...anyone know about that?)
Gears of War
(Still looking as good as ever...cannot wait to try this game and decide for myself!)
Nintendo Wii
(Well now...I know everyone in the world including nintendo employees are making fun of the next-gen console title... And although I don't see any games to crap about (other than Zelda and Metroid) I must say the blue tooth/new remote looks like a blast to play with! Its very unique I must say! However...I'm not sure people will always stand to play their games lol! most gamers probably are not that energetic so to me its sort of a waste of time lol! But it still looks like an awsome concept and Id love to try it!