OT: The Official SPORTS Thread!

owned, habs over hurracains 4-0....fucking stomped!

BTW: Toronto blows guy..the habs only have what? 15 more stanley cups than them ;)...Total of 24 to be exact, which is alot....but last time we won one was like in 95 lol :(

Montreal has lots of cups because they were like the first hockey team ever, hockey started in Quebec if I'm not mistaken. Many teams came into existence after Montreal had won like 15 cups.
LOL - Was AT the game, had fun, new stadium looks great. Even from our shitty ($80!!!) endzone seats, we could see almost everything. Had 2 Dolphins fans wedged into a corner by us, and we spent the first half "giving them the business" and the second half getting it thrown right back at us.
There were NO comebacks. The Bears sucked. Although the game wasn't entirely decided on it, the officiating sucked ass too. I'd have rather lost to just about anybody else, except for the Packers. Fucking Miami did it to us again! We looked like SHIT out there. No excuses. I also heard Urlacher won't be playing next weekend either.....3 games on the road, we'll see what happens...

J-Dubya - Press conference OVER! :(
yeah..I think the pack have a good future ahead of them, they have alot of young guys and a lot of talent. Heck, It might be good for Favre to retire.
Go Rutgers

I am so proud of them, what a game! They held the number 2 offense in the country to to 0 points in the second half!

As a Rutgers alum who suffered through the agony of blowout after blowout, it is fantastic to be in the national spotlight for something good. Even the Empire State Building was lit up in Red tonight!!