OT: Who gets the last word?

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jdelpi said:
Only in America can someone like Monica Lewinsky host her own TV show. What the hell?

I bet Monica Lewinsky is even more famous than Linda Lovelace, know what I mean?
He was popular in America for a little while with the kids...I hate the kids.

I got the same suicide and weekend plans to go buy a shotgun
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Why? It's not like she does it right or anything. ;)
Good point. Didn't John say something like if she had swallowed, we wouldn't be in this mess?
Some gaylord just sent me this email.

Beloved in Christ,Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord JesusChrist, I am former Mrs monriat Aisha , now Mrsmonriat Useni, a widow to Late Sheik MohammedAlamin Useni, I am 72years old, I am now a newChristian convert, suffering from long time cancer ofthe breast. From all indications, my condition isreally deteriorating and is quite obvious that I maynot live more than six months, because the cancerstage has gotten to a very severe stage.My late husband was killed during the Gulf war, andduring the period of our marriage we had a son who wasalso killed in a cold blood during the Gulf war. Mylate husband was very wealthy and after his death, Iinherited all his business and wealth. My personalphysician told me that I may not live for more thansix months and I am so scared about this. So, I nowdecided to divide part of this wealth, by contributingto the development of evangelism in Africa, America,Europe and Asian Countries This mission which will nodoubt be tasking had made me torecently relocated to Nigeria, Africa where I livepresently. I selected your church after visiting thewebsite for this purpose and prayed over it, I amwilling to donate thesum of $15.000,000.00 Million US Dollars to yourChurch/Ministry for the development of evangelism andalso as aids for the less privileged around you.Please note that, this fund is lying in a SecurityCompany in Europe and the company has branches,therefore i will want you to contact my lawyer throughthis contact information.Name:Barrister alex chieduEmail:alexchiedu1@zwallet.comphone 234-8033009920so that he will file an immediateapplication for the transfer of the money in the nameof your ministry an he will tell you what steps totake next. Please, do not reply if you have theintention of using this fund for personal use otherthan enhancement of evangelism.Lastly, I want you/your ministry to be praying for meas regards my entire life and my health because I havecome to find out since my spiritual birth lately thatwealth acquisition without Jesus Christ in one's lifeis vanity upon vanity. If you have to die says theLord, keep fit and I will give you the crown of life.May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love ofGod, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit bewith you. I await your urgent reply.Yours in Christ,Mrs monriat Useni4A George CloseZaria, Nigeria.
"As a being now possessed of a human body
In this world I swear to give my full
Allegiance to it's lawfull master,
To worship him our
Lord Satan and no other
In the name of Satan, the ruler of Earth
Open wide the gates of Hell
And come forth from the abyss
By these names: Satan, Leviathan,
Belial, Lucifer
I will kiss the goat"

- you gotta admit it's still better than any other of the major religions out there... hehehehe...
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