OT: Who gets the last word?

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anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
Mrthrax the link is a few pages back

I still can't find the new tomahawk album :erk: shops have st amber everywere but no mit gas by tomahawk

Does this board ever work tho? i mean serisouly ok every now and then it's gonna happen but it shouldent happen every 20 minutes

i went to the link,i dont know how to unzip files,is it hard to work out???

bRaTpRiNcEsS said:

What? Is there something there for me?????? I don't see anything!
I guess I'll have to check it out on the other computer.
I hate computers sometimes............
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Just the picture. I know how you love the Postal Service.

Ah. Just the picture.... yep....... I CAN'T FUCKING SEE IT ON THIS FUCKING COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't see anything.

I'm sorry. I'm not yelling at you, I'm just yelling.......

I cant see any of the pictures from the new Blast Beat nor the new AlphaMail. If I go to my website, absolutely nothing (but text) comes up...
That is right.
Didn't this board use to have a Next and Previous link I could click so I could go to the next thread.........?
Well, it doesn't now.
Thanks, but the problem with my PC will be fixed soon. I'm pretty sure I know what needs to be done...
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