mentalmeltdown said:hey Brat, so you've joined the very fine club of rep-point whores and 2 dotted posters?? for shame! for shaaaaame!
As for me, there's a club I'll soon be joining: the club of post #666, the number of the beast. Actually, I'm thinking what I'll write about in that milestone post: boobies, ass, boobies, beer, boobies, anthrax, boobies, metal, boobies, lotr, boo.. well you get the idea... any of you have any suggestions because I really want my #666 to be special; I just might print it out and frame it on my wall - and then make a tattoo of it, on my ass!
You simply MUST write about beaver, snatch, poon and SLAYER.
.....oh and the devil. #666 just wouldn't be right w/out throwing in an antecdote or two about the devil. Then.... boobies,ass,boobies,anthrax,boobies,metal,boobies,lotr,beaver,snatch,
poon and SLAYER. And about boobies. I'd like to see them reffered to more as "te-ots"
Yeah, teots. :Spin: