OT: Who gets the last word?

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Let me tell you about the hair disaster of my sixteenth year. My friends convinced me to dye the back of my hair green. Except the green wouldn't take on dark brown, so I had to dye it blond first. Except that they didn't think the blond would take either, so instead of using dye, they used color stripper. And they ran out before it was totally blond, so I went with this honey-blond thing for a while, because there also wasn't enough green. I actually liked the honey-blond, but I didn't have the guts to try doing my whole head that color. It made French braids look awesome. Anyway, then I got a perm, and the color stripper and perm didn't mix and it just totally fried that part of my hair. The perm ensured me a French braid every day because my friend April hated looking at my "poodle head" (the hair stripping had been her brilliant idea, though) and would braid it in the morning before class while it was still wet. So one day, I got the same friends to shave that part off. Then I was happy. My mom hated it, and that was the best part. Then about a month before I moved to AZ, I dyed it black. I kept shaving it for about a year after that, then started to let it grow back. So I was growing out my hair AND the black dye. Man, that took forever! I sang "Black No. 1" to myself in the mirror every day for over a year.

I'd like to go with an auburn-type color now, but I am so afraid of having to grow dye out again, I'd probably just keep dying it over and over and I'm not old enough to start a cycle like that. ;)
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