Thraude is off on an Anthrax road trip, so he's got the best excuse ever to not be here.
I once missed Flotsam & Jetsam because I was standing in the water line. It was July in Phoenix at an outdoor show. There was a dust storm earlier and it was lightening out, and the guys behind me were talking about how the last time F&J played outside, some dude got hit by lightening. I'd been in Phoenix for three weeks. It was just what I wanted to hear.
And it's way to early to be up and functioning. Yes, it is 9 o'clock. That doesn't make it any better.
I'm usually still half asleep on the couch at nine. But I also get up twice a night to feed a baby. The times that she sleeps through, I function better during the day.
i have a tough time sleeping in on weekends also. Not that I get up at 4Am, but I goto bed late every night and get up at let's say 6:30. On Saturdays, i can sometimes sleep a few extra hours, but on Sundays, I am always up real early.
Next year im gonna work friday nights from 9pm to 3am! then i get the weekend off i hate working the cunting weekend. plus i will have to work from 7:30 am to 12:30pm, it will be worth it cause i will do fuck all work
I can never sleep in anymore. I could before Tonya was born, but now I just can't. Sometimes on his days off, my husband will get up with the kids so I can sleep in, but I don't. I just lay there awake. It's nice to relax, but it would be even nicer to sleep.
I'm not quite sure I'm gonna make it that long!!!!!!! I'm not gonna drink at that show, so I won't miss any of the action while waiting in the beer line or pisser line. (I will however drink scotch and soda every night prior to the show, as I am excited as all get out)