OT: Who gets the last word?

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They didn't cut. I tore. Joey was a 4th degree tear, Tonya was a 2nd degree. He was going to cut with her, because he started poking around and asking if I felt it. When I said yes, he said "Oohhh" and just let it go. With Joey, I stopped counting at 20 and she went on for quite a while, we're guessing it was about 30. With Tonya, I counted 21.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
They didn't cut. I tore. Joey was a 4th degree tear, Tonya was a 2nd degree. He was going to cut with her, because he started poking around and asking if I felt it. When I said yes, he said "Oohhh" and just let it go. With Joey, I stopped counting at 20 and she went on for quite a while, we're guessing it was about 30. With Tonya, I counted 21.


My wife wasn't stretching properly after nearly 2 hours of pushing. Doc showed me what was up, says he'd like to do an epesiotomy. Does it, my wife kind of pushes at a bad time and voila--3rd degree tear and Ryan shot out like a cannon into my hands. Poor wifey--kid had my huge Charlie Brown--like noggin. They are slippery little bugs!! Then I cut the cord and they did the cleaning an all that. I was kind of dazed and confused and my wife's sitting there asking what is it? What is it? and I didn't realize it, then finally somebody said it's a boy!
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I don't have pictures or video of either of my kids coming out.

Oh, and Gas, I think the premise is that ejaculating is very healthy, but most people don't have sex every day between 20-50, so masturbation is like a safety net. Or something. :grin:

FIrst point. I didn't take any pics or video of baby coming out. I got a little bit after he was cleaned up and on the scale and everything. We figured it was a private moment for us. She didn't even want her mom in there which I think her mom wasn't 100% happy with, but she got over it.

2nd point. It's a good safety net! Here's to our health. Sounds like that's just for men though. What about women? There needs to be a study done on whether or not women were healthier from masturbating a lot too!? :tickled: :tickled:
First of all, the study in question (the one that was already done, not the one you're all volunteering for) was done as a study on prostate cancer. Wouldn't do any good for us (prostate-less females). Now, go invent one, and it's another story. :grin:

We didn't want my mother-in-law in the room. In fact, we didn't want her in the hospital. The plan was to call everyone after he was here and I was ready for visitors. But she came and brought clothes for my husband (lucky bastard got a shower!) and such, so she ended up staying. We made her swear that she would never tell my mother she was in there, or we'd catch hell from the other side. It was nice though, because she got video of him being cleaned up and we're both in it, whereas with Tonya, he didn't get the camera until I told him to and then he wasn't in any of it.

My husband didn't cut either cord. He says it's disgusting and what we pay the doctor for. Everyone who walked in my room was made aware that he was not cutting anything.
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