OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS 1004
Riehlthing 813
nafnikufesin 793
anthrax_moshing_maniac 742
Thra:rofl:ude 328
Metal Maiden 314
mentalmeltdown 284
Anarchy X 135
GregadetH 118

OK, I made the Top 10 list here. Woohoo!!

It looks like BRAT is QUEEN though and barring a vacation and moving time, will hold the crown for quite a while!!!

I saw some cat conversations on last page. Our male cat--all 16 pounds of him--apparently got extra jealous of the new baby and started pissing in our walk-in closet one day. Well, I didn't kill him but I thought of it. I had to clean the areas up by soaking them with anti-piss stuff, then airing the room out. Today, i bought more anti-piss stuff and I bought a steamvac to clean the carpet. I had to close the door and put cat toys in the room. Apparently, they don't like to play where they piss. I'll open the room back up once it's fully clkeaned and hopefully, we won't need all-new carpet. That bastard!! :erk:
At least it was in your closet. I've heard of cats doing that right in the baby's room.

And I will be losing some valuable posting time when I move, because I have to find a whole new ISP. Cox isn't available out there, it's some rinky-dink cable company I never heard of and we don't know if they offer Internet yet. If they don't, we have to find something else, and might even have to go back to dial-up (perish the thought!).

Don't worry about me taking a vacation, that's not happening for a while. :bah:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
At least it was in your closet. I've heard of cats doing that right in the baby's room.

And I will be losing some valuable posting time when I move, because I have to find a whole new ISP. Cox isn't available out there, it's some rinky-dink cable company I never heard of and we don't know if they offer Internet yet. If they don't, we have to find something else, and might even have to go back to dial-up (perish the thought!).

Don't worry about me taking a vacation, that's not happening for a while. :bah:

I would pay 100 bucks a month to avoid going back to dial-up. I am soooo hooked on cable modem it isn't even funny!!!!
I know, I'm pretty pissed now because I saw a commercial last night saying that new Cox Internet customers get it for $24.95/month, and I'm paying like $34..95/month. Plus my modem rental. I should cancel and then start back up. :lol: My husband threatens to get rid of them every time they turn gay on us, but I really, REALLY don't want to go back to dial-up.
I have dialup...away from work and friend's house which is pretty much my 2nd home...work being my first home.

And even then, I wouldn't catch her...I'd have to do some serious post whoring to get that...and uh...hmm...no.
Yes,sexTad sexhassex hissex email.sex Hesex alreadysex emailed sexhim.sex Maybe,sex if sexwe sexask sexnicely,sex Tadsex will sexforward sexour sexemail sexto sexamm.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh come on, you know how easy men are.

And I just found out John Ritter was the voice of Clifford the Big Red Dog. I'm guessing Clifford is over now?? We don't watch it here, but my nephew is hooked on it.

Come on, we're not that easy...well. OK, yes we are. Beer and blowjobs can pretty much get a guy to do just about anything in the world.
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