OT: Who gets the last word?

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nafnikufesin said:
I think my post-whoring days are over. I pass the torch to you and Brat :D I'll still get the last word, though.

Sesame Street is currently Antonio's favorite show, but we're trying to limit how much TV he watches as he's turning into a little couch potato and he's still two weeks shy of his first birthday.

I was concerned with Ryan watching too much TV when he was around 1, but as soon as spring hit and we started going outside, he has hardly watched any TV. He likes to do things outside now and when we are inside I can actually watch my football games or baseball games or headbanger's ball and he doesn't seem to care that much anymore. It seemed like as he could move around better and better, he wasn't as interested in the TV.
nafnikufesin said:
Antonio's new thing is reaching up while I'm typing on the computer and trying to hit as many keys as he can. When we're not at the desk, we try and block access to the computer by putting a big chair in front, but now he's figured out how to move the chair.

I guess we're going to have to install Net Nanny soon. :D Wait aminute...that'll limit my access !:cry:
Joey did that crap too. We started pulling the monitor out and putting the keyboard on it, then pushing it back. He'd try climbing up on the chair, but he always got busted before he ever got to anything. Then, since we weren't leaving the computer on when we weren't around, he figured out where the power button was. Finally we just put the case up on the top shelf of the desk, where he'll never get to reach it, because I almost have to be on tip-toes to turn it on myself. He lost interest after he wasn't able to make anything happen by touching stuff.

We gave him his own login with Disney wallpaper and crap, and as long as he gets to play Elmo's Keyboard-O-Rama every once in a while, he doesn't care about the computer so much.

He's going to be spending a lot of time outside once we get a backyard. :headbang:
I was concerned with Ryan watching too much TV when he was around 1, but as soon as spring hit and we started going outside, he has hardly watched any TV. He likes to do things outside now and when we are inside I can actually watch my football games or baseball games or headbanger's ball and he doesn't seem to care that much anymore. It seemed like as he could move around better and better, he wasn't as interested in the TV.
If I leave my Killer A's DVD out where he can find it, it finds its way into the DVD player, and he knows how to work the menu. :D I usually do that when Dora makes me want to kill myself.
We thought you were dead!

We were about to send out a search party, but then when other people heard it was a "party" they just started drinking lots so we never got around to the "search" part. But I guess it doesn't matter, because you're back. :D
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