OT: Who gets the last word?

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The pickup test at thespark.com is pretty interesting.

I got: 33% What's up frigidaire?

You're cold and unapproachable, like a big glacier that's unapproachable. And cold. Unlike the Arctic tundra, few even venture to plant their flag in you. You're definitely not a Scorpio, unless you were born between October 23 and November 21. The bad news is that you'll end up miserable and alone, probably knitting doilies out of cat hair. The good news is that this is apparently what you want. Honestly, I don't even feel comfortable talking to you right now, so I'm just gonna go… yeah… wash my friend's hair.

Cheer up!! I know someone who will offer to warm you up! :D

I wonder why it said: You're definitely not a Scorpio, unless you were born between October 23 and November 21. I am a Scorpio. :erk:
Metal Maiden said:
Cheer up!! I know someone who will offer to warm you up! :D

I wonder why it said: You're definitely not a Scorpio, unless you were born between October 23 and November 21. I am a Scorpio. :erk:
Yeah. Warm and toasty. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

Uh, yeah.
I think they're saying Scorpios like to get it on more than me.
I think Anthrax should open for the Wiggles. Hear me out.

I said, hear me out!!

1. The Wiggles sell out ampitheaters in less than an hour. They books 2 shows a day, 4-5 days in each city. All shows are sold out the day tickets go on sale. This means high tickets sales/profits for Anthrax.

2. The Wiggles tour constantly. They tour so much, they have fake Wiggles in Europe and Asia, so they can be in more places at once. They don't cancel tours when one of them gets sick or has a death in the family (both things happened this year), they just have an understudy fill in. This means Anthrax don't have to worry about catastrophes such as terrorist attacks.

3. The Wiggles' audiences are full of parents (who want to kill themselves) and toddlers and small children who want to rush the stage in between be-bopping their little asses off. How many Anthrax fans are parents now?

4. Yes, I said that Anthrax should open. This is based purely on the fact that you can get kids to do just about anything if their reward is big enough. Tell kids the Wiggles will be on after "Mommy and/or Daddy's band" is done, they'll dig it. This exposes a whole new generation in ways a CD in the car just can't.

See? A family event. And then parents don't have to worry about finding a babysitter who won't bitch about having to stay with your kids til midnight on a Wednesday, or babies who think bottles come from the devil.
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