OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
And I just found out John Ritter was the voice of Clifford the Big Red Dog. I'm guessing Clifford is over now?? We don't watch it here, but my nephew is hooked on it.
Clifford used to be one of Antonio's favorite shows, but he's moved on. :D Since it's just an animated voice, I'm sure they'll just find a replacement and Antonio won't know the difference.
Clifford scares me. That dawg is huuuuge! Btw, nice picture, Antonio! It looks real metal what with the yellow duckie in the background and the shampoo bubbles on your head... ;)
My kids don't watch Clifford, as we have moved on to Playhouse Disney by that time of the morning. And I find Clifford annoying (well, the chick that owns him, but she's most of the damn show anyway) so I use full veto power on that one. The only PBS I can be bothered with is Sesame Street.
Riehlthing said:
You got some post whoring to catch up on bud...I passed you.
I think my post-whoring days are over. I pass the torch to you and Brat :D I'll still get the last word, though.

Sesame Street is currently Antonio's favorite show, but we're trying to limit how much TV he watches as he's turning into a little couch potato and he's still two weeks shy of his first birthday.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I limit TV, too, down to in the morning, when I'm not awake enough yet to deal with anything, and late afternoon when I'm trying to get dinner put together and have little "helpers" in the kitchen.
Antonio's new thing is reaching up while I'm typing on the computer and trying to hit as many keys as he can. When we're not at the desk, we try and block access to the computer by putting a big chair in front, but now he's figured out how to move the chair.

I guess we're going to have to install Net Nanny soon. :D Wait aminute...that'll limit my access :cry:
Torch huh? Where's the fire?

Do you have Win XP or Win 2k? Just put a lock (ctrl+alt+del, lock computer) Or, you can set a screen saver password, so when it comes on, it needs a password. So that way he can't do anything by hitting buttons.
Riehlthing said:
Do you have Win XP or Win 2k? Just put a lock (ctrl+alt+del, lock computer) Or, you can set a screen saver password, so when it comes on, it needs a password. So that way he can't do anything by hitting buttons.
That only works if I'm not already typing on the computer. I was typing an email the other day, and he somehow managed to hit a combination of keys that saved my work as a draft and exitted the program. Shit, I don't even know how to do that yet. :D
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