OT: Who gets the last word?

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Quote: Baby was great, but lately she keeps waking up at night. Seems like she's getting worse with sleep patterns, not better.

The last 3-4 months I was pregnant, I woke up EVERY HOUR, every night. Maybe every 10 days I might sleep 2-3 1/2 hours at once. After Madison was born she was up evey two hours. I NEVER complained about that. She was 9 months or more before she'd sleep thru the night.
Metal Maiden said:
Quote: Baby was great, but lately she keeps waking up at night. Seems like she's getting worse with sleep patterns, not better.

The last 3-4 months I was pregnant, I woke up EVERY HOUR, every night. Maybe every 10 days I might sleep 2-3 1/2 hours at once. After Madison was born she was up evey two hours. I NEVER complained about that. She was 9 months or more before she'd sleep thru the night.

Ouch--maybe i should stop bitching. It took Ryan about 9 weeks to get us to a nice 5-6 hour stretch. Abby started off doing a nice 4 hour stretch. now, we are going back down to 1.5 to 2.5 hours at a time. But, every hour would be a major problem. Man, thanx for the perspective!!
Gas-Tonya was very similar. The first 2-3 weeks were great, and I thought I got lucky. Then she started getting up 2-3 times a night, sometimes MORE. She's only been sleeping through the night for less than two weeks now, and she's 9 1/2 months old. Joey, however, slept like the dead for 10-12 hours every night at 10 weeks.
Riehlthing said:
That book is cool.

I see what you mean though...but...nope, I won't say it...don't want to ruin it for you.
Well, thank you for not ruining it. I'm only like 170 pages in. Ha! Only. Most books, 170 pages is halfway through it. Anyway, it's kind of cool seeing Jack all grown up. And it's Tad's fault I'm reading it. My best friend told me it sucked so I wasn't going to bother with it for a while. Mr. Snide strikes again. :D

Oh, btw, the board is getting all slow and gay on me, I'm guessing it'll go down sometime today.....
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
If I don't get mine today, I'm kicking the mailman's ass. :bah:

*refrains from saying "Na na na naaa, I got mine. :p * :D

Brat, we tried to take Ryan to the wiggles here in cleveland. All of the shows sold out and i kept checking for tix and none ever opened up. I actually don't mind a lot of Wiggles songs, but if I hear "wake up Jeff" one more time I think I'll kill someone.
I think the real question is, Can you point your fingers and do the twist?? ;)

Joey plays "Wake Up, Joe" with his grandma. It's pretty funny. He's tried it with me a couple of times, but I guess I'm not cool enough for him. :Smug:
Woohoo!!! no homework! It was either type that up or do work...I chose type that up. :>

And yeah, Gasolinedream, ready for football. Have been ready. Football is the best sport to watch.

I haven't ordered my TTMB single yet.
I hate this board because it's slower than if I had a 28k modem.

Metal Maiden said:
What's up with THAT?
I think I'm a man *checks under the shorts*. Yep, I'm a man, and the only time I remember lying to a chick was when I was paying her back :Shedevil: for CHEATING ON ME!
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
She deserved it for being a filthy, lying WHORE.

Thank You!
I was telling the chick who cuts my hair about my sweeet, sweeeeeeet revenge.
She, like almost everyone else I told, thought it was great! :D
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