OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Actually, I just talked to my husband and I said "Hey, do you care if I go to the-" and he cut me off and said "No, I don't care." I should have finished with "-an Anthrax show somewhere back east." :D

Come to Colorado. With Metal Maiden... :hotjump:
Halloween was cool as a kid. My parents' always got mad at me because I would just walk to where I wanted, walked to a friend's house through the "bad" part of our town cause wanted to trick or treat his house. My parents' weren't thrilled.

For how long I've been gone, I wonder if anyone would overtake my post count on this thread besides brat, who no one can catch.
Hey Reil,

Hope you are feelin better.

I 've been gone a lot too lately. It's been very tough to stay on the board. So much going on.


That's hilarious. We dressed Ryan up as a pumpkin too when he was just a few months old. Last year, he was Spider-man. THis year he might be a pirate, but we're not sure yet.
Joey's first Halloween, he was six months old and I couldn't find any costumes that small so he wore a little onesie with pumpkins, witches, cats, etc. all over it. I only dressed him up last year because we were going to a wedding and costumes were required. I was eight months pregnant and dared the groom to say anything about me not dressing up. :lol:

Riehlthing, I too hope you haven't been sick all this time.
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