OT: Who gets the last word?

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You ever get the feeling we're only partially on the anthrax message board and partly on some sex board like Literotica? (My buddy is into erotic literature and sent me there. Interesting)

Brat, You picking up "Finding Nemo" today. I'm taking Ryan after work to get it. He's been hooked on all the Pixar films. We watch Toy Story I and II and Monsters Inc almost every single day, multiple times.
Metal Maiden said:
The other one may make another appearance later. Stay tuned. :D
At least I can't get fired for this one. :tickled:

Brat, It is weird. Ryan remembers the weirdest things. He also has a very good memory. He's talking better every day now. THe other day i said dammit and next thing you know he's practicing it. THen i said what the hell, so he's running around saying hell, hell, hell. I'm like--oh this is great. :)

Joe does that to me, too. Like, a couple of months ago, I had them in the tub, and the power went out. I said "Oh shit!" (thinking about two soapy kids in a tub full of water in the dark) and next thing I know, I hear, "Shit!" It took me forever to get him to stop saying it. But now, if I do slip and say it, he'll go on all day saying it.

He's also talking a lot more every day, and he's really starting to pick up potty-training (FINALLY). I think a major part of that is he finally tells me when he has to go. He hasn't had an accident in six days. Now I just have to get him going in public. And he'll finally wear underwear, as long as he gets to pick them out. I think he's abandoning his nudist ways, at least for the time being.
One warning about Nemo. It gets kind of scary. The first time we went to the theater to see it Madison wanted to leave. And she's six. But we have been back to see it 5 or six times.
Hmmm...Maybe I'll watch it first. I'll still buy it though, I know how Disney likes to "vault" movies.

The only movie that has scared Joe so far was Harry Potter, the first one, when all the envelopes were flying into the house. Why that scared him, I have no idea, but the kid screamed and ran away. That was about a year ago, though.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:

Joe does that to me, too. Like, a couple of months ago, I had them in the tub, and the power went out. I said "Oh shit!" (thinking about two soapy kids in a tub full of water in the dark) and next thing I know, I hear, "Shit!" It took me forever to get him to stop saying it. But now, if I do slip and say it, he'll go on all day saying it.

He's also talking a lot more every day, and he's really starting to pick up potty-training (FINALLY). I think a major part of that is he finally tells me when he has to go. He hasn't had an accident in six days. Now I just have to get him going in public. And he'll finally wear underwear, as long as he gets to pick them out. I think he's abandoning his nudist ways, at least for the time being.
Kids love to be naked, don't they! How old is Joe--3 or so? I can't wait to get rid of diapers but he's not showing much interest in it.

Maiden, THanks for the warning. Hopefully he won't be too scarred. We'll see.
He's 2 1/2. His birthday is in April.

I used to have such a hard time getting him to put clothes on, half the time I'd give up. Or if I did manage to get him to get dressed, he'd run in his room and then come out naked, so I gave it up. I give him that freedom at home so he doesn't fight when we go "bye-bye". In the last couple of weeks, though, he's become obsessed with getting dressed. I'm talking layers, here.

If you want to spark some interest, buy a potty chair, and then let him sit on it with his clothes on (even in the living room watching TV, that's how my best friend started all three of her kids). And let him go in with you when you go. If he's anything like my kid, whatever Daddy does is sooo fascinating.
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