OT: Who gets the last word?

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When I was really young, my parent's took me to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves and my parent's had to put me in the crying room at the theater, not because I was crying. Hell no. Not Russ. I was put in there because I was cheering and rooting for the witch! All the other kids started crying and other parents complained.
some silly but funny jokes for u all.

1.whats better than eating a mandarin?

2.what do u call a serbian prostitute?

3.why do women call it pms

4.what do u call a lesbian with fat fingers

5.how do u circumcise a hillbilly?

6.whats the definition of macho?

i'll come back tomorrow and post the answers,awwww i need another beer.
here goes

1.eating amanda out
2.sloberdown mydickyoubitch
3.mad cow disease was already taken
4.well hung
5.kick his sister in the jaw
6.jogging home from your own vasectomy

hope u liked them

fucking hot in australia todaysinking the beers like there is no tomorrow!!!
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