OT: Who gets the last word?

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well, since this thread seems to be going nowhere I'll just throw in one of my useless statements..........lastnight I went to the tanning parlor and the damn tanning bed wasn't working! :erk: so today I am going again and it better be working! well goodbye everyone...I'm off to tan and then to the gym to work out! bye:wave:
See? Now that is what made this thread..."special"? Talk about whatever. This thread is the Seinfeld episode of the Anthrax Forum.

A tan in December? That's interesting. I can't even get a tan in July. My daughter was several shades darker than me at birth. Now that's just sad.
I had to stand outside for a grand total of 5 minutes yesterday and today I can't breath and I feel like I swallowed a brillow pad. :Smug:

Winter hates me.
But we love you Ragamuffin. :D

bRaT~I know what you mean. I'm glad Madison takes after my dad. She never burns. I use SPF 50 on her and she still gets a very dark tan.
First, I have to say that my father-in-law plays favorites with his kids. My husband has been the favorite for almost a year now. It's total bullshit and everyone tells him to knock it off, but he's been that way all their lives. That said...

A week or so ago, my father-in-law asked my sister-in-law (his daughter) what her boys wanted for Christmas, so she gave him a list. He then told her he "couldn't be bothered" with that, he's just sending a check. So he gets on msn messenger today, and asks me if Tonya's birthday is this weekend. No, it's on Thursday, her party is this weekend. So he says, "Oh, I better get something in the mail then, huh?" Well, whatever, man. He asks what she likes. She's one, she likes everything. So again, he's just sending a check. Yeah, whatever. I don't care about his money.

Anyway, then he starts asking me what to get the kids for Christmas, he's been looking for fire truck stuff for Joe but hasn't found any, blah blah blah. So basically, he "can't be bothered" to go to the store and then the post office for my nephews, but he'll do it for my kids, which is total bullshit. If he wants to be pissed at his daughter for whatever reason, don't take it out on her kids. Those boys haven't done anything to anyone.

So here we have a grown man, in his fifties, thinking he can just throw a check at something to make it better. And now I have to lie about whether or not I get a package or a check from him to prevent her from getting even more upset with him.

Oh, and one more thing. He keeps sending all the kids money to get a savings bond for their birthdays. But he won't get off his ass and go get one himself, because apparently there's no bank in Michigan that sells them. :rolleyes: Fuck him. I buy what my kids need/want, not a piece of paper that might be worth what we paid for it in ten years.

Okay, I am done for now, and yes I do feel better. Thank you. :D
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