Oh yeah...another lawyer joke. Just remembered it.
A truck driver loved to see lawyers walking on the side of the road, he would swerve over and hit them. He liked the sound of the lawyer being run over. Well, one day, he sees a nun walking down the side of the highway. Her car had broken down. So, being the good citizen that he is, he picked her up to take her to the next town. About 15 minutes later, he sees a lawyer, forgetting momentarily that he has a nun with him, he swerves over. At the last second he remembers and swerves away. He thinks he misses, but he hears a weird thump. He could have sworn he missed, and the thump sounded different. Feeling bad, he tells the nun, "I'm sorry, I thought I missed him." The nun replies, "It's okay, I got him with the door."