OT: Who gets the last word?

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Riehlthing said:
really? Beer's good. I like the taste of beer, and drink it for taste, don't usually get drunk on beer.
Maybe You get drunk but don't feel it. Me and my brother used to call that the numb buzz where you could tell that you'd been drinking but couldn't feel the buzz. :Spin:
remington69 said:
Wanna know something that's sick and twisted? I hate the taste of beer. I can tolerate it if I have to, but I'd rather have something with Vodka or Jack in it. (Or Jim or José...)

Nothing sick and twisted about that. I like to drink rum, myself. I'll pour the rum right into my can of Coke. Learned that in the dorm. That way I could have a drink and still walk around, go to friends rooms, watch TV in the lounge, whatever (and people say I never learned anything in college). Lately, I've been drinking Bacardi Limon mixed with either Sprite, 7-up, Squirt, or Sierra Mist, depending on what they have at that particular establishment.

I can't drink Jack, though. I got really drunk and sick as hell on that one night, and ever since I throw up if I have any of it, even if I don't know I am drinking it. My stomach starts doing flips if I smell it, too.

I haven't gone bowling in close to ten years now. My husband's fingers are too big to fit in the holes, so he never goes. He says he'll go with me but he won't bowl, so I would have to find other people to go with us anyway. Never really put in the effort. I miss it though. I used to be in a junior league.
I suck royally at bowling. A couple years ago, my sister and brother-in-law somehow convinced me to be on their bowling team. There were 90 year old ladies on that league that bowled better than me. I remember one game, I scored a freakin' 39.
That's part of the fun. Everyone knows what the other is doin'. But we've also added alcohol to it, and changing people's names, plus sneaking up behind people when they're bowling. Friend of mine had a name of 1 Big Bad Stud so it showed initials 1BB. I changed it before he got a strike. He got one, jumped up and down, ran back to his fiancee and said, "look honey what my name is" everyone heard him and was watching cause he was loud and had everyone's attention. 1 Blue Balled Punk showed up. He went bright red and everyone started laughing.
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