OT: Who gets the last word?

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Fucker. My best is a 170 something...And in high school, we had advanced pe where we were actually taught how to bowl. That class was fun. All the game stuff without boring other pe shit. Like Racquetball at a local Exercise Club here. Bowling was one of them. Golf, Skiing/snowboarding, Rollerblading, Tennis, Archery, Trap Shooting, Badminton, and for our "off-days" when nothing to do, we'd play fleeseball against the freshman. Losing class had to have a running day the next day. Seniors vs Freshman...it was fun. For us that is.
Our gym class had some strange classes to pick from. Like gymnastics. Only freshman girls got stuck with that (they let you pick, from senior down to freshman). We also had archery (aiming for the clock without making it look like that's what you're aiming for), self-defense (got to beat up on the teacher when he actually bothered trying to teach us stuff), weight conditioning (sat around the weight room talking all period), and after school the gym teachers would leave everything out so we could go and play badminton last period. I played more during that period than my friend Jay than I did all year in my actual gym class.
The thing with advanced pe, if you didn't sweat, you weren't trying. Like Badminton, we had to go all out. Wasn't feeling good one day, and my doubles partner didn't show up to school that day, so had to play singles against doubles. I kicked their ass, but I was diving everywhere, playing so hard, that after that class, I could barely move, so my next class, a teacher assistant class where I did nothing besides mess around, the teacher sent me to the nurses' office where I passed out for 2 hours and they sent me home. I got an A for the PE. But that's what it was like. If you weren't going all out, you could get an F in the class.
My own coach gave be a B in Advanced PE my Jr year. But I still lettered that year. Everyone was so into volleyball during the class and I was like fuck you, so it wasn't my best sport. All boys talking smack 24/7.
Took mechanical drafting my senior year too, and you could get extra credit for doing easy stuff. So I did all the extra credit stuff and never did the actual work for the class and got a B. One of the things was just getting the recycle bins from each classroom and taking sorting them out at the recycle place thing by the Gym. Our high school was built like a college campus, where you had seperate buildings for everything. Some classrooms only had entrances from outside and we'd have snow storms. So noone would volunteer for the recycling thing. I would and just one of those days would get you enough extra credit for a C for the semester. I did those in shorts and a t-shirt. People thought I was trying to get hypothermia.
My freshman English teacher gave one point on your final grade for every book report you gave her that was worth an A. I wrote a bunch on Stephen King books that I had read in the last 2-3 years. But since English was my best class anyway, she told me at the end of the year, she could only mark my grade as 100, but I actually had over 120. I wish some of my shitty classes would have allowed extra credit like that one. I'd have been set.
Drama class, you got 50 extra credit points if you were in a student film. My teacher's son was in TV Radio Broadcasting, and I was friend's with him. So I was in all their films. Each quarter, you had to do a writeup about a play, and one about a movie. If you went to the dress rehearsal (that the teacher setup even), you got 100 extra credit points. He'd set up for like 3 dress rehearsals. So that was 300 extra credit there. My friend made at least a movie every weekend, so that's another how many in a quarter. The in class work was easy, the vocab tests were only worth 50 points. So I'd just bomb those and make it up with a student film. The creative writing class would write stories, and give them to us to act out. Everyone had to do 1 of those plays. I would take like 3 of them, so get extra credit there. Never did any actual classwork though.

I was all about doing the extra credit and not doing the actual school work. Alphabatized a teachers collection of books in his class to make up for missed assignments.
Yep, once. For German class. Studied the wrong chapter. I was sick the day of the test, so didn't go to school. That night I was like, why don't I study for once? So I studied chapter thought we were on. Was next chapter.
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