OT: Who gets the last word?

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Well, yes, but...

She just called and asked if I want to do the breast cancer walk in October. Okay, I would love to, but let's be realistic here: It's a three-day walk. As in, you walk for three days and camp out for two nights. What the fuck am I going to do with my kids while I'm busy walking around Phoenix for three fucking days? Just because she can drop her kids for a few days at the drop of a hat doesn't mean I can.

And her husband might not care if she's gone, but mine happens to be the type that pulls the "Oh I can't sleep without you" bullshit and I'm also of the opinion that married people should not be spending nights apart from each other when it's not completely necessary.

She also wants me to do the March of Dimes walk with her a week before I close on my house. Now, I'd like to do that one too, but I'll have too much shit to do around here to be gone for an entire Saturday. I don't where the hell she comes up with these ideas.....And I get to go to a baby shower with her next Saturday that I don't really want to go to anyway, mostly because she and the girl it's for are the only ones I will know there.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Last word is....


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