OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Well, my favorite customers are the ones who are shocked to find that the mac & cheese, baked beans and baked potatoes are all cold, even though they are kept in the salad case. I also like the ones who complain that it's cheaper to buy the container of potato and macaroni salad out of the case in front, than to have me scoop it out and weigh it. They have to pay my wages somehow!

Also the ones who ask for a chicken breast, and when I move a thigh out of the way to get to it, they say they'll take that piece...the THIGH. Then they argue with me over whether or not it is a thigh. And then there are the ones who complain that I don't have a register, even though Starbucks is about 15 feet away. But perhaps my favorites are the ones who come to me with produce issues, when they usually have to walk past the produce person to get to me. Oh, and the many people who come and ask where stuff is in the rest of the store, as if I have time to find out where tortillas are and commit it to memory. That's what grocery managers are for.

I'll stop now, but I could type forever. I love retail.
Don't envy you Brat.
remington69 said:
Hey Brat, anyone you work with ever accidently lose a finger in the meat slicer? Those things scare me.

No one's ever lost any appendages, but there have been some bad cuts and burns. I took a chunk out of my pinky on my second day. I burned my hand and then smashed the blister about a half hour later on the cooler door. I put a hole in my index finger with what should be the most harmless piece of the slicer, since it is plastic. I have a big ugly bruise on my shin right now from kicking the fryer filter (some jackass left it where it doesn't belong).

We cut and burn ourselves so much that the rule is you only turn it into management if it won't stop bleeding, otherwise we'd spend all our time in the office.

But, to clarify, after you've been on the job 3 or more days, if you cut yourself while slicing meat, you're an idiot and you must be stopped. By then, you should really know what you're doing, or find another department. If you cut yourself while CLEANING a slicer, even the first time you do it, you're also an idiot who must be stopped. We do have cut resistant gloves, but you don't need them if you keep your eyes open and your fingers out of the way. You're much more likely to cut yourself on a steak knife (where 90% of our cuts come from) or burn yourself on the oven or fryers. But April's safety challenge is actually "Preventing Cuts and Amputations", so it's funny that you ask.

And, NFF: Nice try. :D
I used to work at Save-a-Lot with this old meat cutter guy. It was funny he was missing 4 of his fingers on his left hand but he didn't actually do it cutting meat, he said that he did in a farm accident on his parents farm(wait I guess that wasn't funny). OK, OK I am getting to the mildly funny part, I used to fuck with the old geezer all the time and he would get super pissed and flick me off with his nubs.....It was HE-LARIOUS.
remington69 said:
Hey Brat, anyone you work with ever accidently lose a finger in the meat slicer? Those things scare me.
When I was working in a pizza place, putting the onions in the vegie slicer. noticed it was slicing, so stopped the slicer, reach in to rearrange the onions, and accidently sliced my finger. Took hand out, looked down, thinking, "hey, it's not bleeding, alright coo." so touched it to make sure can feel it still, instant blood gushing. Those things suck.
Finally got this goddamn page to load! And what do I have to add? Not much. Just that it's 3:30 and my boss is on the East Coast. So, I think I'll be leaving now. Or play more Solitaire. I need to load an emulator on here for when bossman's gone. I'm such a slacker.
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