OT: Who gets the last word?

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You know what sucks? The computer at work got infected w/ a Trojan and now we can't get a bunch of spyware off. Stupid fucking virus. Until it gets fixed, I actually have to focus on work during the day. The horror!

BTW- Good Luck Riehl on the road. Be careful of those truck stop hookers.
When I saw that you had the last word for the past few hours, I was about to comment that for somebody on the road, you still seem to be posting a lot in this thread. Maybe while you're gone, this thread will get buried and I'll finally be able to claim victory! :lol:

PS - no, really, we'll miss you :p
First time I could open this in forever and we went from Soccer to crap that gets on our PC's. By the next time I get in you'll be talking about 2007 current events.

I got 12, sucka!
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