OT: Who gets the last word?

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well, now that I'm on the jcpenny's fleet, I stay up on in the northwest, deliver to the same stores (haven't gotten to all of the stores we do, I have 3 repeats monday morning at least, so that means I'll be able to find the stores quicker). and since I'm in the northwest, and just about every store is at a mall, and there's always some walmart, albertson's or other store like that within walking distance, don't hit the truck stops really.
nafnikufesin said:
Any strip club in Canada...we toss loonies (one dollar coins) or toonies instead of quarters...slightly heavier and bigger diameter, but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time :D
give me a couple tosses and I'll have it down. lot's of practicing, right?
Interesting tidbit about the differences between Canada and the US (or at least differences according to the marketers of soda):

Mountain Dew in Canada does not have caffeine, while the American version does. It seems that the marketers thought that Canadians wouldn't want caffeine in the beverage when they first introduced it across the border, and have not revised that decision since.
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