OT: Who gets the last word?

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Hey, I get paid on a fee-for-service basis, meaning if I post here while I'm at work, I could otherwise be spending that time making money instead, yet for some inexplicable reason, I post here in order to get the last word so I can win an imaginary contest that I started. How lame is that?

PS - If you all agree that it's lame, you can show it by not posting and thus allowing me to claim victory :D
It's pretty lame. But lamer is another guy who won't play fantasy football because he's afraid to lose so he's hiding behind the idea that he'll "become too obsessed with it".
We rented a margarita machine on Friday, with two flavors...11 litres of lime margarita and 11 litres of Bellinis. That was supposed to be enough for 35 people. We had to fill the Bellinis a second time and polished all of it off between 12 of us.
It's one of those bar-style slushie machine that's constantly keeping the margarita blended. I'd buy one too, but:

1. They're running a minimum of $1200 on EBay, as high as $4400
2. They're noisy and consume a large amount of electricity to keep them running all the time
3. If I had one permanently, I'd become more of an alcoholic than I already am
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