OT: Who gets the last word?

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This is for all the parents of young kids. My nephew is obsessed with this show.

nafnikufesin said:
And yet you post here first...what does that say? :p

That we don´t live in the same time zone and that I REALLY want the last word! :cool:

I´m convinced Bob´s gonna bone that chick, me and my buddy are waiting for the episode where Bob shows her what a good handyman can do with his tool.
alright, back from trucking for the week. and people are fucking goddamned stupid. and I didn't even get to that foreign country south of oregon this week. damn californiastan might have been an improvement.

1st, left my truck last weekend to get fixed over the weekend. b-service (every 30,000 miles, not even going to try calculating that to km's there nff buddy), I tell a mechanic of something else I noticed, he said, "oh, it's the spring, easy to replace". I get back sunday to get my truck, it's not done. I have to use a loaner. oh well, just short local run that night. get back to check on my truck next day. stupid bitch at the shop counter. "I told Fran (one of 3 bosses I actually talk with and he's 3rd in charge at our terminal), and I told him I don't know when it'd be ready. don't know when it'll be in. I told hanley that too. (another boss, the 3rd one doesn't get in till 2pm)." me again, "do you know if the part is in?" "no" "do you know what has been done?" "no" "what truck is it in line to get in?" "I can't tell you that." so i'm like fuck it, want my truck, not a dumbass loaner one. I park the loaner where I can see my truck, so will know when it goes in. take quick nap (had been up all night working), hasn't moved. I go over and look at my truck, the b-service was done. must only be the spring left to replace. I've driven with the spring like that for over a month, it's just annoying, but fine. i go back in, same thing. but this time, "if you want your truck, talk to the shop foreman." "where's he?" "in that office, his name's jason." jason was the mechanic I usually talk to, and who said it was the spring. "hey, uh, jason, could I take my truck?" "you're in the truck needing the spring replaced right? yeah, take it . the b-service is done, the spring's not a huge deal." after all of that, that was all she could have said. well, turns out I needed my truck. the trailer I had had a liftgate, at first store that needs the liftgate we discover the liftgates fucked up. barely works. have to have my truck running for it to work, loose wiring or something. and it only will raise or lower liftgate, or fold out the lift gate. won't fold it closed. well, unloaded the first part of trailer, and good thing had my truck, since my truck is wired to have the extra pigtail for a liftgate, the loaner was not. after unloading, can't fold liftgate back up, so have to wait for service repairmen. he arrives, find issue on the trailer wiring, hook my truck back up to the trailer and everything is well. my direct boss is pissed at the shop (the 3rd one), that just adds more to it when I tell him how screwed I would have been with the loaner truck.

well, get back up to sumner, do some deliveries and ask for short delivery last night, so I could spend the day trying to get the shop to work on truck, or, to at least get it on list for weekend, a day early. back to bitch lady. "we don't do appointments." "it's not an appointment, just get me on the list." "I can't do that, if you redtag it, it's redtagged and can't leave." "do you know if part is in?" "I don't know if we have it here." "fine, nevermind." call fran up, tell him what was going on, ask him to get me to california where we have another terminal (have one closer, but that's a main hub around here and is always overloaded with work at the shop), the one in california actually gets shit done. they're not swift employees, and they get paid per job they do. so they get things in and out fast and thoroughly. fran said he would do that, and he's pissed at our shop now too. I talked to a mechanic in our trailer shop (different division), he said the bitch was just going on a power trip.

long story, I know, it's kind of blocked the other stupid people I've dealt with this week though.
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